You really hit the nail on the head with these thoughts here. I couple of short months I have been on Steemit, I have learnt that Steemit really takes effort - we need to bring in good original content, present it well and interact. There are two benefits - the lesser important one being the SBDs that are to be made but the most important thing is we get friends who are intellectual peers - not just selfie posting 'buddies' that we see on other social networks
Thanks for sharing your story. You inspire me to continue my effort. Thanks. Cheers. Upvoted.@kyle -
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Most come on here with an inflated expectation of input to payout.
The input may never equal the payout you desire! That is why it's important to do it because you enjoy it and disregard the financial aspect. It can be very difficult to get to your goals but if you keep trying you will eventually get them!