I agree with you. So many inactive accounts are still there and they count in total number of accounts opened on steemit.
As a resource, @ned and steemit inc should float a customer service program. Send mails to inactive accounts so they can share their reasons for quitting. This will serve as a sort of survey on customer retention and enable the platform create ways in which everyone, no matter how poor their writing skills, can find a place to express themselves.
Steemit Inc needs to show themselves to be a part of the community and when a member of a community does not show up for work or any social services, it is the duty of the community to find out exactly what is going on. That is how families are created.
When people see mails from steemit Inc asking after their welfare as well as their opinions, they will feel a sense of belonging. This is something facebook or other centralised platform lack; the human touch. Steemit cannot afford to leave out interacting with users, whether witnesses, whales, orgasm, dolphins or inactive users.
These are my personal thoughts, and I may be wrong but there it is.
you couldn't have said it better! On point right there, if steemit wants to beat the likes of facebook I share your idea of personal touch, that personal kind of relationship will go a long way to keep folks in the game.
Yes we do have some of us that feels I am not a good writer but that is all in the mind and I felt that way initially on steemit but like mention to @steevc, i find steemit challenging in the aspect on great content creation. At the end of the day it is a two way street from the steemit users and the steemit itself to build a long lasting relationship. Great input from you @warpedpoetic
Thank you @joetunex. It is good that steemit is encouraging people to improve their writing skills. The visual system of knowledge acquisition KS slowly killing writing as well as reading as a skill.
I hope the ideas are seen by those who can make a difference and put into consideration. It is said that there lots of would be generals, thinkers, scientists, writers in the grave, who knows what those inactive accounts could bring to the table?
Also several steemit like platforms are springing up and soon the competition will be fierce. Steemit Inc has to be prepared.
Thank you @warpedpoetic we need folks like you on the platform