I have 75% of all my company's holdings invested in Steemit as plain and pure Steem Power. Two months ago we were power down about $50 000 a week, (obviously on a different, highly private Steemit account) but since the price drops we're struggling with even the slightest of our business expenses. I can't believe this has happened and we're so sorry at Huggson Inc. (more about my company here), and we wish to seek guidance from the rest of the Steemit community on what to do. I have 50 employees here who rely upon my weekly power downs, and most of them don't even understand what it is. I had a Mongolian hugger yell at me the other day. This was a day before the next power down. She didn't understand what a power down was and demanded her salary to be paid. Of course this was impossible. My company does not tolerate such behavior and this woman is now in deep trouble on the free market because of her behavior. Needless to say, I fired her fat ass as soon as I noticed that the dB-meter on the wall increased to "inappropriate". She has a restraining order now and will be arrested on sight if ever caught on the compounds near our beautiful facility.
I can't afford anymore of these types of incidents with my employees. Therefore I'm turning to you, Steemit! I hope Dan, Ned or anyone like that could give me advice on what to do, but anyone else who's is also an expert will be absolutely as much appreciated!
Thank you again Steemit, but I seek answers. Please tell me what to do. All I can do is keep powering down, but the amount is so much smaller than it was a few months ago. Please, help our company grow by advising us on how best to handle our Steem Power investments.
Thank you!
Stratched Earnstein
"I have 75% if all my company's holdings invested in Steemit as plain and pure Steem Power. " Whut? Never put all of your eggs (or even 75% of them) in one basket.
Since when did 75% become 100%? We at Huggson Inc. do not put 100% of our holdings in one basket, and neither have we at any given moment in time ever. Thanks for reading, neoxian!
Sounds like you gambled with your working capital on a high-risk investment. Investing in steemit is something one should only do with their own money, that they're perfectly comfortable losing (same rule for gambling at a casino).
I'm glad that you're showing true alpha-male characteristics in your leadership! We need men like you. Thank you! :)
It's an absolute pleasure. I can't be anyone else than the person that I am, and I do do what I am describing. I do not diverge from the path I am on, and anyone whose behavior is of such will be gotten rid of. Thank you for reading!
Wow. You seem like a really cool dude
I believe I am.