[Steemit Bot Etiquette]The very bots claiming to protect steemit are worse than the ones they are fighting. @cheetah & @randaletouri Weenis Speaks.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

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You're telling me I am not monitoring my bot? Did you even open your own link?

I noticed this issue when people make edits. I am fixing it; there should be less instances of this already.

It posted trash in peoples threads. It was annoying, distracting and disrespectful, and a bot going around and flagging it was doing a public service. You acted like a tool, and got put on a black list. I don't see the problem.

in my particular thread, it posted a note that said "hi sigmajin" with a distracting picture of jack nicholson from the film "the shining". The pic might have even been animated, i don't remember. The point is it was spammy, and the intent was clearly to grab the readers attentino away form the article to which it was a reply.

The net effect of this is 1. it added nothing to the conversation. 2. It was a distraction which made light of whatever it was i was posting about.

Now, im sure its completely random, but (for example) what do you think the effect of a reply like that would be on say, a thread about sexual assault, or some other deeply personal matter? Or even just something that someone put a good amount of work into that they intended to be taken seriously.

I assume that theres a person behind the weenis, and a fairly intelligent person at that. Are you seriously, seriously trying to tell me that you don't see why someone might take exception to your posts? Why someone might interpret them (and ill give you the BOD and assume it was not y our intention) as somewhat disrespectful?

also, it seems like you have bots downvoting all my posts now... good for you

So are you still in control of the bot or is weenis now just you and not both? Bot idea... cool ... if u use it for the right reasons I guess.. so I have to ask.. are you? :)

Its irresponsible to create a downvote bot especially if you are running it without monitoring it. It is irresponsible to run any bot if you arent there watching it as it bots. Downvote bots should NOT exist no matter the reason.

Agreed, except the last sentence. Downvote bots are a necessity to discourage bots that are spamming indiscriminately. If this is only the beginning, the comments on all posts will soon be filled with a ton of auto-posted crap, and the actual real comments from people will get drowned out in the noise. Short of manual moderation by Steemit (which won't happen), what other tool but a downvote is useful?

You seem like a nice enough dude. But weenis is annoying and it should come as no surprise that he has been getting hammered. If you are experimenting as you say, you should simply consider the response as part of your results... It pissed people off, and they responded in kind. I'm glad that your intentions are good, but some people are more interested in gaming the system for profit, to the detriment of the entire platform. For that reason, downvote bots are absolutely essential.