
Are your quotes sarcasm? Either way Obama is just part of the conversation, he is not used as an example of transparency. Also considering he mentions secrecy and walls as being futile in the video he could be considered a positive part of the path to transparency.

It is sarcastic indeed. I do not tend to see the Obama administration as having been in favour of less secrecy. The treatment of whistleblowers is one of the examples.

Better replace the picture with JFK's.

Thank you but I'll just keep it the way it is. Again, this is not a support piece about Obama being transparent nor does it discuss anything in particular about his administration. As the devil's advocate - he is part of a system that is quite set in it's ways. I think having Obama as the main image actually plays to the whole concept of repugnant secrecy.
Are you in support of Trump as being more transparent?

I do not think Trump will be any diffferent. Apologies for kind of derailing your post: the message is much more important than my little quest.