Steemit Is Probably Going To Be Drastically Different Soon

in #steemit7 years ago

There are a lot of suggestions about steemit and changes that could be made to the system. Personally I want to see voting spread out more so we have a more democratic reward system. And others have made suggestions about the interface and voting that are worth listening too. But a response from Ned (CEO of steemit) got me thinking a lot of these conversations about what changes we should make but not matter at this time because we are soon going to get a very big update that will change the site completely.

When asked about improving the UI his response was " do we want a paintjob or new electronics, new chassis, new engine?" Not only did he mention engine but chassis and electronics. That means a lot of change is coming. And if we are looking at a new system then the way things are now might not matter.

I can't say what the new steemit will look like but it will probably will be unrecognizable. The trending page might be replaced with a community page. What gets seen with be based on a different system and multiple coins will be rewarded for different groups. I for one am excited for it and will be there building a gaming community if the tools are there.

So keep your eyes on steemit in the months to come.



Also looking forward to the hiveminds update as it will further improve how we focus on content we want to read instead of being fed promoted content only.

Excited and waiting for the changes. Don't forget to invite me to your gaming community. Followed you to see more good information from you in future.

You will be welcome to join :)

We all excited to see the new changes or upgrades in the steemitHi @whatageek

This change is interesting.
Thanks for update us.
Keep up it.
Thanks for sharing sir @whatageek.

Good! So many crypto projects stagnate.

So exciting!

It would be nice seeing some changes here, because it might bring in more here and if they lock down the limit of abuse more, that would encourage users maybe to help one another more..

We definitely need that ASAP.

if there are changes that are in favor of improvements to the service, this network is wonderful, and I am very happy to belong to it, I still need to know much more but there I go, everything requires changes and updates. so let's wait as steemit advances.

Whatever the change would be beneficial for steem users.

yeah..but when?

Love gaming, also i want to be in that comunity. it would be great to win crypto by playing world of warcraft. the dream.

I guess its soon happening as we also now have an updated
Steem WhitePaper

I imagine it might be kind of like YouTube. If you were around in the early days, every update was a big deal and completely transformed the platform, but after a week or so, very few remembered that it wasn't always like this. I sometimes remember the first time I visited Steemit, long before I made my user. The site has changed a lot since then.

Whatever drastic change it's gonna go through, I have high hopes it's going to make the platform be and do much, much better.

if such an engine could process better and increased adoption that would be huge news for steem. i think all in good time , but every change exciting. agree some change to voting, but worried about the idealists. stake-weighted may still be the most realistic.

Of course can't really wait to see the drastic changes as a matter of fact I guess the only constant phenomenon is still that change.

Both exciting and terrifying but all good things are

To me the only question is : when ?

I have the feeling we've been reading huge changes are coming for months....

recognizable or not recognizable I hope that the changes are for the better and do not lose its original north.

i really hope to see some changes as it has remained mostly the same from the start. Also to the average users and with so many users we have, the current form is bit ''old school'' and not that useful either. If they want to take it into the next level they need to make constant changes like in the games we have the updates in order to survive!

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