Tribes! That's exactly how I see the future as well, tribes that develop their own culture but make peaceful relationships with other tribes in order to coexist in a pleasant fashion. I am also looking for a tribe here. I've found a few great people and I'm trying to get them together outside of this scheming, bot driven, crypto trading mode of talking to each other in the Be Awesome discord channel which is linked in all my posts.
You know I marked you for a potential tribe mate early on, but it's always hard to get the attention of popular people. It'd be great to get you in our chat. We have language practice rooms as well, だから、いつでもどうぞ。
Even if you don't make it over there and fail to see and upvote all my awesome undervalued posts, I know it's because you are spread quite thin. I still appreciate your presence on steemit X-D. At the very least your comment section has proved very helpful in the search for tribemates whenever you talk of a gift economy and community and tribes and everything else.
Keep being you!
(Your assessment of the different stage at steemit remind me of Maslow's hierarchy of needs)
I have noticed you very often, and I am interested in getting to know people better....nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekimasu ka?
Steemit.chatで話したことあるじゃん! 覚えてないね、Stellaちゃん ;-)
i have a very bad memory with people.
Meaning, i cannot tell or remember conversations....facts i can remember, but people elude me.....I always feel bad about this trait, it makes awkward moments.
It's ok, I don't take things personally or feel awkward. The more attention You get, the harder it becomes to distinguish people, especially on the internet.
Make a bigger effort with the people you appreciate most and I think you are already doing a good job, that's what I tell myself anyway. I'm the same as you sometimes.
i am focused on trying to bring Steemit to my city and meet as many people face to face as possible...time to come out of the cave!
If I ever get a chance to go do a road trip around my home country, I will for sure make a stop a stop at your cave X-D steemit world tour!
Be Awesome discord channelThis is our chat , a bit more relaxing than, for talking about #deepshit , including language study.
Where are you from?
今日本に住んでないけど、戻りたい。僕としゃべって練習していいよ。 僕は毎日be awesome - deep shit discord channel にいる。 いつでもどうぞ :-)
Be Awesome discord channel
Hi stellabelle I am trying to figure out what whales want, I am blogging on shipping.
glancing over your blog, i believe you need to post twice per day.
Duuuuude this stuff drains me! I try to dig deep, if I posted twice a day I'd just be writing about picking my nose.
I know what you mean. I did then posts the other day about articles I read.