Memes are not a problem. You can upvote them or not. Some of them take a lot of work to create. The problem is that it isn't easy to filter out the memes. My opinion of course. I don't want to hear or read a lot of things that get posted here. That is why we have votes, to reward the content that we like. We also have flags or downvotes to combat things we don't think ad value. (Use with care)
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oops, I wasn't clear. I think memes are sometimes hilarious, and I also create my own. (Hopefully at least funny.) I guess I was disappointed in the "funny" feed, to find almost nothing but memes that were (as far as I could tell) found on the internet, posted on DMania, then reposted here.
But I found the solution(s): One, as you implied, ignore them. And two, I switched to the "humor" feed, which I've found to have lots more humorous, original content. :-)
Thanks for the upvote, @whatsup!