Have we ever wondered why humans in general do not appreciate things that they are not charged for it? While we humans like things that have the word “free” in them yet when they are given to us for free, we are not appreciative of it.
Isn’t it ironic!!
Is it because things are free and we do not see any "value" in it? Could it be when we pay for something, because of the price (“value” as we termed it) that we paid for the that we value the things more than those we get for free?
Will this same human psychology apply in Steemit? Will people treat Steemit the same because it’s a free entry platform. While we know Steemians are rewarded with their effort in uploading posts but will people assume that whatever they post will be rewarded and lose sight of the real “value”? Will we be only looking to seeing the monetary rewards of something rather than its true “value”? While the real value of Steemit is to bring the collective and quality wisdom of Steemians onto a platform for all to enjoy and for everyone to learn and grow, the question is can we keep the true “value” of Steemit from till the end and not being “polluted” from the monetary rewards?
Feel free to share your views and comments from fellow Steemians here. No right or wrong.
I for one find Steemit a good platform me to pen my thoughts which typically I will not say it out and the engaging comments that can bring forth new thinking.