YouTube Censorship By Cutting Off Revenue Streams For Content Creators, Time For Steemit To Shine.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

YouTubers Losing Tons Of Advertisement Revenue!

What The Shit YouTube?!?

If you keep up with YouTube news you'll know that they're starting to demonetize tons of videos online for breaking YouTube's rules of conduct for advertising. That's all fine and dandy except for the massive level of ambiguity in the terms and conditions. They basically say if YouTube's opinion is that your videos are bad, then you can't make money. One part literally says anything sexual may not be allowed to be monetized because it's not "friendly content" meanwhile on the same site, we have this very sexual ADVERTISEMENT playing before I watch a fuckin grade A under A. How does that make sense.

Censorship Done Right

Now I'm not for censorship very much if any, I believe in the right to self censor but to say "you should make it so I can't see this type of content" is not my cup of tea. If I don't wanna see something as long as I can stop it myself, well that's enough for me. But wow has YoutTube hit the nail on the head, why forcefully censor and take down videos when you can merely cut off the revenue from those videos. How many people do it for hours daily because they love it, take away the profit and we shall see. So instead of fighting the monster YouTube is merely cutting off the food source.... Fuckin brilliant if you ask me.

Not A Happy Time In YouTuber Land Right Now

It turns out a ton of big youtubers are being affected by this new change, not a lot if any are very happy about it. While regular individuals are losing advertising revenue, big news sites that post on YouTube aren't losing any at all. Now I'm not saying youtube doesn't have the right, it's their business, as long as the terms comply with legislation there is no conflict, but it's still a greasy move on their part. This does not encourage content creation, and isn't that what YouTube is all about.... Apparently not, YouTube is about keeping the big name investors happy.

Below is a list of a few bigger name people who have been affected by the recent change.

"How Do You Stay So Cool?"Foreman Asked. "Ambiguity", Hyde Responded, "Now Say It With Me, Am-Bi-Guity".

A Perfect Steemit Opportunity

It would be super cool to see other content promoted on steemit that isn't blog related as well, I personally enjoy video content and would love to see more of it. To be clear YouTube isn't taking down the videos they're merely demonetizing them, literally giving steemit the perfect opportunity to pay video creators while not being the host site and changing its role. Nothing has changed except the content creators are pissed off because now they can't get paid... But steemit pays. Could be a very lucrative time for steemit if played right...

So as huge artists start losing the ability to monetize on videos as simple as news stories they'll look for alternative income sources to diversify to, will steemit be one of those revenue streams?

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It's only 10-20 cents per upvote but I still give them out as much as possible to anyone who drops a line.



Let's hope so

This is crazy, One reason I tend to not even do much video on youtube. Yet if someone could create a chrome and firefox plugin for steemit somehow. That could skyrocket some action. I'm sure it can be done too. I have some clever addons that do some interesting things.

Making steemit a video tube as well would bring tons of traffic.