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RE: Noobie's Guide to Whales and Other Steemit Fish

in #steemit9 years ago

@casandrarose here are some additional tips if you want to add them.

One of the major tricks to making money on here is to stay on the active page long enough to get noticed. The way you do this is to make sure to reply to every comment you get, thoughtfully, gracefully and with tact.

Editing and revising your posting can help that a little but, be careful because there are only 4 blog postings per day that are allowed and there seems to be a bug right now that counts edits as new posts against that. So it's best to edit using a tool like that will let you see what your posting looks like and lets you edit like any other document but gives you the markdown syntax used here.

Upvote as many of the comments as you can, even your own! It's not considered a bad thing, but it does lower your voting power a little with each one. At this level the fact that you voted actually counts more for you than the money you bring in with your vote though, so it's alright.

Final tip #payitforward use your super minnow powers to seek out as many of the others who are posting related content or content that you think is important and that you actually like.

anchor tags because blog posts URLs can get long and sometime people will make a judgement call based on title alone.Comment sincerely in their blog about their topic, upvote them, explain what #payitforward is and invite them to come to your blog and #payitforward as well. When doing this you should consider using

When the people you invite do drop by, thank them, upvote them and explain to others that come later why you like this person and what they had to say. If everyone does this, we all win. But make sure to use #payitforward when you do or else it just looks like linkspam.

That's all the tips I have for noobies except like @casandrarose said, the most important thing is to have fun and meet new people and discover new interests.


Thanks for the info! You should write a whole blog about this. I think a lot of noobies have a lot to learn about markdown.