It is kind of strange when you think about it though @lemouth After all, that works lovely here on earth, but on a neutron star it probably wouldn't work and no amount of EM is going to pull something once it's past the event horizon of a blackhole regardless of how strong that EM field is.
Gravity has overcome every other force in that instance. For that matter though, do we even have a solid theory about how magnetars gain their immense magnetic fields?
My example indeed only works on Earth :) It was only an example.
We must be careful here as we are talking about two different things: gravitational interactions in general and gravitational effects that are the results of the interactions.
The magnitude of any resulting gravity effects is indeed given by the product of the strength of gravity and the involved masses.
I hope this clarifies ^^
PS: for the magnetars, I don't know, but I would check in this one.