Thank god! Styling has been the biggest hold up on this thing so far.
I can't check email until this afternoon though.
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Thank god! Styling has been the biggest hold up on this thing so far.
I can't check email until this afternoon though.
can you get on Id like to know more about what framework you are using.
I cant reply to your last comment...
Ok great. I have played with Ionic 2 some but know Ionic 1 fairly well. No worries, not very urgent I was just curious :)
ionic 2 is the basis, all theming is scss we derived straight from the base application and haven't touched core at all. Most of the work has been on getting the fiddly bits like barcode scanning to produce something useful.
Give me about 15 min I'll be near a starbucks so I don't have to try and do this on my phone.