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RE: What to Do When You Have NO Idea What to Post About

in #steemit7 years ago

Yepp! I think an important aspect to it comes to dealing with our expectations, since I would say that it isn't fair to demand from ourselves being able to produce solid content every day. 🙏🏼

As you say, we need breaks and being able to take in new sources as input in order to produce killer content on a consistent basis, easy to forget that at the times of downtime our creative flame often arise ✌🏼

Otherwise, if you happen to be into travelling, vlogs, fitness, self-development etc feel free to check out my channel, in any case keep up the good work and I'll see you around!🙌🏼


Great points @williamwest! There’s a reason that many people say their best ideas come to them in the shower. Because it is “downtime” for the mind!