I won't dox this user because I don't see anything beneficial from doing it, plus I don't even know if this activity would be worth it, frankly. But this almost looks like a new user who doesn't completely understand how the platform works, yet it looks like this profile was created over a year ago.
Looking down this list of the user's activity from the past 48 minutes, it's virtually the same thing for every listing with a few exceptions that I can see.
For every upvote, there is a subsequent unvote of the post within the same moment.
What purpose could this serve?
Please understand, I'm not trying to call anyone out or point fingers at suspicious activity, I'm just curious to know if this could be viewed as anything but a waste of time. I understand that unvoting something you upvote removes any possible curation points, even if you re-upvote, and to my knowledge the author won't get it either. So I'm stumped.
Anyone have any theories?
EDIT: Upon further investigation, it appears the @cheetah bot has this user on their blacklist. I think this convern has been answered. Looks like this person is either just a bot or someone doing a very poor job of what they think is gaming the system.

I assume he tries to get his voting power back and still get the curation reward, which of course does not work at all.
Yeah, it definitely hurts the voter more than the votee, so I don't get it.
Very bizarre! I think it is like you said; somebody's extremely poor attempt to game the system.
I guess, erm, I don't even know how they think this is hurting anyone in anyway, apart from their own (not so) precious time :-)
Looks like a follow/unfollow bot or something just to get attention from churning upvotes. Doesn't seem very beneficial to me!
I assume its a bot as well
Oh and your icon is awesome, im not sure what it is, but it looks like a simpsons character
Haha thank you!
It is! It's a Simpsons style recreation of a photo of me and a friend
I actually wrote a post about it a few weeks ago
Nailed it !
So this person hasnt been active for about a year and is now hyper spamming the network?
I don't even know if I would consider this spam, honestly.
It almost seems to be following some sort of pattern as well which is even weirder...
could it be the account has been hacked ?
So this guy is just purely upvoting people so they upvote them then he unvotes them.
Absolutely ridiculous.
But i mean come on, hes not the first to do this, ive seen it happening 40x times a day
I've been here since last July and I don't see a lot of this kind of activity. I've seen unvotes, don't get me wrong....but not that repetitively.
But the user leaves no comments, nor do they leave the upvote there long enough to garner the attention of the person they're upvoting. The up/unvotes were literally within the same 30 second timespan, so if that's their intention then I'm not sure it's working.
Okay.... I thin this problem is solved. It appears this person is either just a bot or someone doing a very poor job of what they think is gaming the system.In fact, it appears the @cheetah bot has this user on their blacklist.
I guess they might be trying to get some people to follow them?
That is a terrible move and a move that shows greed. I thnk he or she want to get back voting power? does it work like that? in any way, I really dont understand.
Whilst on the topic of strange behaviour on Steemit, can someone please explain to me as to why I have 100 up-votes, yet not a single reply on a post I created yesterday.
Link to post: https://steemit.com/psychic/@speaktheunspoken/psychic-felony-original-song
This is a genuine question and it's bothering me!!
That happens sometimes. I have a few of those from over the months. Not too out of the ordinary, but comments definitely do help its visibility.
I don't understand?! Clearly if I have 100 up-votes, I'm sure at least 1 person would have left me some feed back... Yet I haven't got none? It doesn't add up???
It sounds like it might be a voting trail, such as SteemTrail or Streemian. Those have been around since the beginning.
Thank you for the help. Hopefully my up coming posts will receive more feedback. It's just feels like a kick to the nuts, knowing that 100 up-votes were merely because of luck and not towards the post its self.
Hello. I am Moksh Rajput. I am a crypto enthusiast and a stock market trader/investor. I do technical analysis for stocks and crypto's. Can you take a look at my posts help me out, by giving me a shout out or upvoting my posts!
I thank you.
The first thing I would suggest is NOT spamming peoples' posts with irrelevant content. Please keep the discussion within peoples' posts in line with the topic of the original post. Otherwise you're more likely to be muted and permanently ignored by them than you are to be followed by them. So, rather than spam your irrelevant link around on posts, try talking with people on a real level about their post. I would be more likely to look at your profile if I liked my interaction with you.
This is unacceptable: