Thanks for sharing your common sense @brandonscalera.
- I wonder why they call it "common" sense,
when it actually is very uncommon?
I ran across this cool emoji that explains the main point of your post...
- For your points 1-5 & 9 Dont's...
Emoji Source
You point #7 - unused accounts
- I helped get a buddy online. He wrote down his password (evidently wrong...). Copy and pasted it to a text file on his computer, which then proceeded to crash and had to be reformatted and WinDoze re-installed. He was unable to recover his account.
- I bet a lot of those unused profiles could be from similar stories.
- This whole password security is great to cut down on hacking of accounts, but most people are used to using simple passwords like ILoveMyDog2018...
- I bet a lot of those unused profiles could be from similar stories.
re: points 6 & 8... disagreements...
- I totally agree, flags should not be used simply because you disagree with the post.
- I disagree that you can't comment saying you disagree.
Or did I misread your point?- That's kinda risky, but in my mind, it's OK to disagree and have a discussion. The problem is most people don't know how to have a discussion. They have very thin skin and take it personally that someone could have the audacity to disagree with their logic or point of view. Me, I have inch thick rhinoceros skin and welcome a healthy debate about anything I post about.
- You might be saying something a bit different. Maybe people need to learn how to give positive reinforcement when helping correct a "problem" with the post. Maybe people need to use a bit more tact.
- Tact is pretty uncommon sense nowadays, too...
- I disagree that you can't comment saying you disagree.
Thank you!