if you plan on jetting from here instead of staying and building
Thats a good question and deserves an honest answer
My plan has two options . 1) Steemit becomes a big deal and very successful 2) Steemit fails
I will be right here to see 1st hand which one happens no matter how long it takes .
I will protect my time or investment by powering up . either way Steem will still be there .
I will not vote for witness who are looking at any other option then Steemit . I will only support people or engage with those of like mind
This is a long term deal for me with no other option
I have been invited to other platforms by 3 people and declined . I do not jump from one fad to another . I have learned that the grass is not greener on the other side .
I have and are doing what I am doing in helping others and have not gone in the direction of self preservation at the expense of others and will not . I am trying to work smarter on this platform and help others do the same . Those who want to go I say , Bye - good luck
That's my take in a nutshell and I am not alone
Thank you :)