Should I be grateful and satisfied with the crypto Steemit has paid me so far? Probably but I'm not. Why? Because Steemit is super censored BULLSHIT. Since I posted Britains Peadophile Elite @ Steemit has hidden my shit. Upvotes went from hundreds to struggling to get 5 upvotes.
I also wrote some pretty harsh shit about Ned Scott (the creator of this super censored, capitalistic idea) and I believe (though I can not prove it) that like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and EVERYWHERE Steemit is highly manipulated and censored.
I'm not just talking about the STUPID flagging system Steemit has, I'm talking about Trending and HOT posts are fixed BULLSHIT and always the same people.
So I say thank you for the money Steemit but FUCK you anyways.
stay cool man