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RE: The Steemit $$$ Challenge: Prove To Yourself Why You Are Here

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I haven't written my introduction post yet but I plan to. While money is certainly a motivation (and I hope to make a lot), I understand that it's risky with crypto and anything this new and revolutionary. But recently I've learned that cryptocurrencies are something that interest me very much because, in many ways, they are the intersection of computer science (programming), economics, investing and even entrepreneurship and more (like government and systems in general). It's a good fit for me because I'm a software developer, amateur or aspiring economist, novice investor and I'm an entrepreneur.
The Steem blockchain and Steemit community seems like it might appreciate what I have to say and share, so I plan to write/share for the sake of writing/sharing. It has the added benefit that I could make money from it so that's great and all the more motivation. It seems to me like a no brainer to blog on Steem.
I only have one small rant so far ... I wrote my first post Diversification 2016: Still The Only Free Lunch In Investing, and I was encouraged by the results. But I think it might have done better because I posted it right before the site was put into read only mode the other day. Then it was taken out of read only for a moment and put back in. And now Steemit seems to be fully functional again, my post seems to have been lost in the noise.
But it's all interesting, this is what comes with a currency combined with a social network software project and more. It's all very interesting.


Welcome! Go write that intro post. :)

Yeah, I've seen some great posts with detailed content go completely unnoticed (I just upvoted yours, btw!). It'll take time for the individual communities to develop and for the site to grow so big that people interested in investing will be seeing content like what you put together front and center. As you said, it's very interesting.