A coin study : What is Waves?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Waves (WAVES) is an established blockchain from 2016 that has several aims. One of which to is reduce the fees for each transaction while supporting a high volume for transactions per second. It is based on the Proof of Stake algorithm which will increase the network bandwidth and allow the hundreds of transactions per second to occur.

Secondly, the Waves will allow the user to create its own Waves Node. Mining this coin can available with Proof of Stake under the requirement of 10,000 Waves Token and the installation of the user’s own Waves Node to begin. Holders of these tokens will also be given a commission from transactions that are made as a reward.

Thirdly, it will allow the user to have full access to their funds with relative speed rather than downloading the entire contents of the blockchain by connecting to the Public Wave Nodes that exist on their platform. The installation of the Waves client may be necessary to function and connect to the public Waves nodes.

Thirdly, the development of a decentralized exchange (DEX) will allow Wave tokens to be traded and exchanged in the market securely. This Decentralized Exchange has been completed and currently operational at this time. The decentralized exchange also aims to minimize hacking that may occurs on crypto exchanges because public nodes do not have access to a user’s funds.

Fourthly, Waves will also allow potential new projects to be built from it's blockchain. This means startup ICOs who wished to utilize the Waves Token blockchain will be able to. Similar to Etherium, would allow crowdfunding for new projects by utilizing the Waves token (instead of Erc20 tokens) and its smart contracts.

A fixed value for transactions is 0.0001 Waves Token for market orders and also the minimum fee for transferring funds.

22 Repositories 6 People
Highest contributions: Waves node application repository:
6535 Commits 30 Contributors in past month (December 2017-January 2018) Github: The Waves source code can be found here : Https://github.com First glance: @wavesplatform

Coinmarket cap (1/15/18 - 1/16/18)
Current price: 0.00074036. Yesterday’s price 0.00077438 BTC -20%
USD price: $8.91 Yesterday: $10.91
Current Market Cap $891,458,000 USD 74,036 BTC Yesterday’s Market Cap: 1,007,290,000 / USD 77,353 BTC
Current Volume: $40,300,800 USD / 3347 BTC Yesterday’s Volume (24h) $47,709,500 USD / 3,664 BTC
Circulating Supply: 100,000,000 WAVES
Thus the remaining % of WAVES must be reserved somewhere in a wallet address(es).

List of Exchanges (more exchanges are listed on Coinmarket Cap):
Waves Decentralized Exchange (DEX)

About the Company:
2016 founded
Q4 2017 implementation of DEX
IOS and Android Apps available to be downloaded on Googleplay etc.
190,992 wallets created
8,746 tokens issued to investors
Official website mentions Forbes Magazine and other media

Waves Resources:

Website: https://wavesplatform.com Whitepaper:https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/wavesdb.com/images/whitepaper_v0.pdf Team: https://wavesplatform.com/company Github: Https://github.com/wavesplatform Coinmarket Cap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/waves/ Waves Medium: https://blog.wavesplatform.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-wavesplatform-3d32c2b9e6d6 Waves Telegram: https://t.me/wavesnews

Examples of Use:
I had read a whitepapers an ICO and was surprised to see to that Waves is being used rather than the traditional Etherium and Erc20 tokens. An ICO Lendera for instance states in their wallpaper how they plan on utilizing Waves. https://lendera.io/whitepaper.pdf Note I am not promoting this ICO in any way but rather providing an example of Waves being utilized.

Author’s Intent:
This post should not be interpreted as financial advice in any way. The aim of this article is to provide an objective study to Waves and what it is. The sources of this information will be provided and the content will be written as objectively as I can. Be advised however, I am no where in the realm of a financial advisor or analyst and my knowledge on crypto is rudimentary. The full scope in detail of Waves is not represented but rather this is an attempt to describe what is Waves.

Author's Notes:
I would like to open the discussion or expression of opinions to anyone viewing this post. I myself admit there are some things I do not fully understand. My desire is to be well informed and well versed in the contents of crypto because it is a brand new field to me. From what ever type of information I gather, I also wish to spread it as unbiased and accurate as possible. There will be and always are many mechanics to consider and I apologize if I am unable to cover all of them. If there are any points that are missed, concerns to be raised, or general knowledge to spread please do share your assessments or opinions. A critique from any experienced and knowledgeable person(s) is always a valuable feedback.

If you would like to donate to help continue and support my work I thank you so much for any kind of contributions.
Donation :
ETH: 0x965e2F2DdFC7498f35E35836c47a179A68bF57B6
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