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RE: Falling In Love With Steem All Over Again...And this time...It's Personal! AKA The Perils And Sad Cost Of Under-Engaging

in #steemit6 years ago

So many have already said what I wanted to say about your post, but I think I have a couple of words leftover.

Scott and I have only been here since August, but we felt a sense of community after the first two weeks. However, that first week was horrible in that we knew we had good content, but no one seemed to see us. Then it happened, @mirrors saw our post and she started sharing us; then @travelarts did as well. It kind of exploded from there. What they did was drug us up to the front of the room, onto center stage and said, "Ya'll! Look at these two crazy people! They are one of us!"

Because of that we were found by @welcomewagon and taught the ins and outs of the SteemIt World. We might have figured it out over time, but I sure do appreciate them taking us in.

But why only us? Why can't we each take some new people by the hand and drag them up front and tell everyone about them? If we are acting like our Steem Dollars are worth "$10", then we should be willing to encourage others to do the same. This means taking time showing them the ins and outs. It would make it a bit more amazig for sure.

Yeah, I know, this place is already amazing, but they may not realize that just yet.


So happy that you felt like someone took the time to take you by the hand and lead you right to the awesomesauce...

I sense enthusiasm in every line I have zero doubt that this has been a crucial aspect of your development here and has likely helped you to forge some pretty wonderful connections. One of the most heartening features for me is that even though I will likely never be somebody whose upvote people will chase I receive some fabulous comments from some pretty amazing people on posts like this one.

That is the juice of the blockchain journey for me! 😁

The conversations that I have the great pleasure to share with people from all over this wonderful blue/green planet we call home bring me an enormous source of satisfaction and are a great comfort after the experience that you mention of initially feeling that nobody actually got to view your work.

I am delighted to have had the chance to cross paths with you and am incredibly grateful that you took the time to stop-by and join the narrative adding your contribution to a conversation that has encouraged me regarding engagement on the platform.

I wish you the very best for the future and hope your journey goes from strength to strength 😃

Thank you so much for the kind words and wishing the best for us. I do know there are some out there that do search for your influence. Your vote may not be huge, but your heart is and it is because of someone else that I searched out your blog posts. I now completely understand why @calumam suggested everyone read your posts.

Thank you and I truly look forward to crossing paths with you again and again and again and...