STEEM and SBD Now "Disabled" on Poloniex Market... Is STEEM going bottoms up? You Tell Me.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The value of Steem has been tanking. The content on steemit is abundant, but 90% shit. And now, I login to Poloniex today to transfer a very small amount of STEEM over to my wallet and guess what - both STEEM and SBD are "temporarily disabled".

Clearly, steemit is not a place for the average person to make a paycheck, but there is a compete lack of transparency - a transparency that was supposed to exist.

Some are calling steem a scam, while others defend it to the death. It's definitely a unique platform and I appreciate it, but things are definitely being played with in an effort to control this currency. Furthermore, since it takes fucking forever to power down, any value you have gained with your account can turn to shit. If you waited 200 weeks to power down a large sum and the price of STEEM drops drastically, you are left with nothing by the time you're ready to cash out.

I'm fucking annoyed and pissed-off that Poloniex has disabled STEEM right now, but they have a history of disabling coins that have shady things going on with them. Is STEEM turning to shit and they know it? Are they trying not to support it because they see it as a sort of scam? Have they figured out something that I haven't?

Many of you will know that it's only the scandalous coins that get delisted from the markets. Sometimes it takes a while for the scam to become apparent. Maybe this is what's happening with STEEM.



Where do you see scam here? Nobody is forced to invest... why do you use pploniex shitty exchange? Use bittrex or block trades, bittrex price is really better to sell 10% more than poloniex .

DAN LARIMER is a serial scamer his latest scam is EOS with 2 million tokens added everyday to the supply.

You think?

I never trust any crypto assets anyway and still don't understand why they call it crypto currency