I know I have been lucky. I post only a couple of times a week, and try the entries to be consistent of my blog, of course there are occassional contests and fun entrires, but though I believe I should post more I find more convenient to work on longer posts and give them a chance to be seen. I do not use bidbots and I was told once I would fend in the land of zeroes if not, not preaching because I totally understand all those people, someone supertalented getting frustrated. Yes, the game at this moment is a bit rigged, but there is a lot we can do. I may be only a minnow but we small accounts can engage, we can curate (we do just small scale), can provide advice to confused newcomers of basic guidelines to make the most of it... teach them not to format, to tag for a chance of curation, to grow an honest feed of things they may like and support back... And to be patient. Ihave been growing slowly and organically and I am drawing my own conclusions of my personal choice. I cannot say this is the way I will see it in the future but itbis where I stand now. (Sorry if typos, written from phone) (Sorry if typos, written from phone)
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