Body image is the physical aspect of our personality, the image we think we present to the world. We are so accustomed to feeling our body as if we were observers placed inside our head, that, when we draw the letter E on the forehead of a person with closed eyes, is "read" as if it were number 3: the " go "from behind.
Perceptions of the self image
Our perception of ourselves may be wrong: we can "see" as higher, lower, fatter, thinner, or more or less attractive than we are; and such errors can, in turn, affect our body: for example, a shy person can not "walk upright", and the process of "seeing" our bodies can alter some functions through subtle processes, sometimes predisposing our body to a malfunction or diseases.
The body image grows as the child develops, and with it can grow wrong ideas. The transsexual, for example, finds that his sexual identity is at odds with the female or male body he possesses. Overfeeding in an obese person can be due to a false body image, either physically or, above all, at the level of one's own estimation.
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