U sound like im targeting “gullible” people. If you want your post viewed by more people and more than your .500 back in upvotes.
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U sound like im targeting “gullible” people. If you want your post viewed by more people and more than your .500 back in upvotes.
You are targeting gullible people. Resteem bots add little to no value to the users. All they do is spread the posts to a range of bot accounts, or if you're lucky to a bunch of people who have no real interest in the topic the post is about.
It discourages people from putting in the real work to build a genuine following for their content.
Well im no bot, im a real member and person. My followers are real people. Who are u to say what people actually like or dont when they look at what I resteem.
So I resteem a post, it gets view by over 2600 members and I make sure you get back in upvotes more than your inital investment. Ok its not gonna put you on trending. But how is it only for gullible people?
I resteem my followers posts for free... Let's see how it pans out.
I thought you were going down the bot root. If that's not what you're doing then, good luck to you.
I would only ask that if you are going to do a "human" paid resteem service, you do some quality control.
As for the "who are you question", I am someone who has invested into this platform with my time and money and care about it's growth and development
who aint no better than me my dude. I care about steemit just as much. so i got tired of sending money to resteem services and not seeing them do anything for me. So I came to change the game. No bot, Just the real me. MY friends and I upvote everything I resteem. You do shit for free thats on you, but this is a platform that revolves around money. Your're a part of it because of money. If there was no money to be gained you'd be on facebook giving away free likes for nothing. You do what works for you, as i do what works for me. stay blessed.
P.S. let it be the last time you choose my comments to promote your little tag.
This is all new and unexplored territory. All the best with your approach, will be interesting to check in and see how it pans out.
I use Yogi's service, this man is a genuine entertainer who will help change the game too. This dude knows how to curate an audience.
Thanks ten