If I follow you, and you follow me, do we really know where we are going?

in #steemit8 years ago

I am excited about Steemit, but don't understand it well, yet.

After reading several posts about how well Neo cryptocurrency is doing, I feel anxious to purchase some. I can only afford two Neo (coins?) right now, but first I must figure out how to buy Bitcoin to buy the Neo. I love the name. Neo. :) Neo, Neo, Neo.

There is some paranoia in this as I don't have much money to spend, and I rarely purchase things on the internet.

My searching shows I must buy a minimum of $100 in Bitcoin first, so it might be a few days. Maybe I will sell some things on Craigslist.

I quit my job of ten years several months ago due to a sudden mental health issue which I am recovering from, but cashed out my IRA while not working. It's not a huge loss, though, as I pulled from it to buy a car a few years ago. I am not the best financial planner!

This is why I recommend going to college HAHA! Not really, I mean, I have no school debt or credit card debt. I am grateful that things are not worse. But seriously, this is why I wish to invest in Neo.

I start a new job on Thursday. Please wish me luck.
mmmoney.jpg Fun note: I took this picture of what I thought looked like potato chip seeds. My friends on Facebook quickly informed me they are from a plant called a money plant. Its real name is Lunaria annua. Supposedly they can be used in magical spells to conjure money. For now, I will do my best to succeed at my new job and learn more about crypto currency.