It's online!
As some of you already know I was working on a steem application.
I didn't had much time last weeks because of my finals, but sooner as expected I got it up and running✨.
Still not finished
I could say this is still like the beta version, because I didn't had much time to optimise it.
But I will continue to work on it in the future.
A little intro
So the app I made is a web app to browse through your followers, or the followers of someone else.
You can enter a username, and then you'll see their followers listed with links to their accounts.
The followers you already visited, will show up in a red color, the ones you haven't been looking at will show up in green.
You'll see 50 followers, and you could click next, to see the next 50.
This is also a usefull application to see wich users have followers you already looked at.
It's nice to see useful tools come in life by the community. I have some ideas too but I am waiting to finish with my own exams =D
A nice feature will be to get a push notification when someone follows you.
True, and good luck with your finals 😉
Thank you!😁
Hey. we just met in chat lol - I checked you and followed you. I have a suggestion for your app, if you didnt consider it yet. Scrolling followers to find ones to follow back is a disaster in steemit. Can you put filters for followed/not yet followed in your app please? :D Thanks!
After my finals I'll take a better look at the API, and I hope I could make that happen 😄
I have a feeling, if you can pull the followers list, you will find a bit about follow/unfollow, hopefully. I'd love to see that. Steemit team needs a UI/UX guy. they kind of suck at UI/UX.
It is still simple, but all great apps start simple. Upvoted hoping you would enhance it after your finals.
In my opinion, Steemit needs a lot of enhancing apps.
Yes I know, but I will try to improve things and add things in the future. It won't be easy for me but I see this as an opportunity to improve my skills, because I still have lots to learn.
Cool, it's great to see that you're adding value to the Steemit community!
Thanks, I hope I'll be able to add a lot more in the future 😁🚀