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RE: Science in Anarchy! Participate in the world's first science experiment on steemit and get paid!

in #steemit9 years ago

Whats the research you are taking about in the beginning?
I thought about this one here, or briefly about it - here.

And yes, it says that use of an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug Interferon alfa, which is used in the treatment of hepatitis C infection, leads to the development of depression in 20-30% of patients, for example.

But it was truly amazing for me to understand that part of our personality in reality may be dictated by the immune system.

Before we thought that the brain and the adaptive immune system is functioning independently of each other, but now we see clearly that some of our behavioral traits are developing due to an immune response to pathogens.

So I'm curious to see whats your experiment will show.


Those are great studies! I'm on my phone right now so I don't have access to the particular studies. In this case though my hypothesis is independently derived from a number of studies demonstrating that the inflammatory cascade can be modulated by diet and a few others showing that the health of our microbiome is involved in our mood.
There was also a study that posited that the inflammatory cascade can be triggered by the misdetection of processed proteins as invaders. Although their evidence was an increase in luketrianes gathered several hours after consumption of junk food.

Ergo independent hypothesis. I eat like crap and I feel like crap. When I feel like crap I tend to eat more crap and feel worse. But is that because of something in the food effecting my microbiome or is it because my body is flipping out and firing an inflammatory cascade.

Since I've done this experiment personally I have anecdotal evidence that an OTC antiinflammatory limits how long I feel like crap, but I don't have enough data to rule out placebo effects.

So we should science this and steemit is the perfect platform to science it on.

More sciense on Steemit!
Here it can't be stupidly censored like on facebook for example - as in this embarrasing case with a vaccination opponents and professor Elison Hagood.