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RE: My Journey through the last 2 months of my Ailment

in #steemit6 years ago

I am glad you are feeling better and I do hope that you have learned your lesson about doctors. Always ask for a second opinion :) Just imagine, there would be no pain if you went on to the surgery right away. You deserve and have a right for a second opinion and always check online and find out as much as you can about the doctor and the procedure. Dealing with so much pain was hard, I am sure, but it was good for you too on a certain level and since we learn from everything, I am sure this was a learning experience too and that you grew from it. I am wishing you a speedy recovery and sending you lots and lots of love honey. Keep your smile on, the worst is behind you 💚💚💚


Yes my dear, I definitely feel this was a big learning experience for me; but at the same time I also feel that this pain was inevitable for me and I had to go through it; other things that happened or not were just reasons. I had consulted multiple doctors and the response for the surgery was same; only when I reached to this stage was a doctor that came through as a miracle who could make things just so easy for me. Thank you so very much for your good loving wishes. Lots of love to you my dear