It's true – I'm floored and deeply humbled by this incredible flood of support. Expressing my frustration was cathartic and felt necessary, but I certainly didn't expect this response.
It truly has turned out to be a sincerely good thing. This comment thread alone is enough to convince me that there is more good here than bad – that speaking up was warranted and wise – that my contributions here are valued and worth offering. I'm not goin' anywhere.
And I can't tell you how glad I am to know that I'm not the only one who cringes on the regular. What the hell, people – will it kill you to proofread?! Then again – like a barb, permanently embedded in my brain, my older sister's words will forever haunt me. She told me once that I have an overactive internal editor. I still haven't decided if she was being sisterly mean or just a bit tactless. At any rate, she might've been right.
Super grateful for your support. If you happen to see future posts – I promise they'll be at least 99.99% free of typos. ;)
Cheers! (ps – you've also got my vote. Thanks for bein' such an awesome witness.)