This post is worth more than a 1.000 bucks... but as you've mentioned "Money isn't the goal... - never will - never has!"
I'm writing since many years, but I've never had the idea to bring my stuff to an editor, who' probably saying... - "uuuhh, it's hard to find a market for that kind of writing, blablabla" - a market for what... my writing?!
Am I a tradesman or a storyteller?! Why isn't there anything left in the world what hasn't to be measured with/through/by money? It's a sick and sad world we live in, as sick as those Pedos out there!
So I decided to give my stories to those people I met on the streets from who I thought they could need some understanding from a guy they don't even know... - but he knows them - by heart!
This was a plenty of joy surrounding me, embracing me... - like no money ever could - nor ever will!
Cheers!I'll do my best to get you a 1K post @rich11... resteemed; you're a true valuable contributor to this community... -
Thank you my friend! You're one of the people I really look forward to hearing from! Some of the best storytellers are terrible "tradesmen." Look at Stephen King... terrible writer but one of the best storytellers out there (and his stuff pays!!!)