When Sleep Eludes Us -- Inside The Mind Of A Nightowl

in #steemit9 years ago

What is it that keeps some of us wired till the wee hours?
We are a rather rare species, that much is clear. Constant dissaproval of our lifestyle from peers learns us this much. The fact that the streets remain rather empty right when we feel the most active and energetic is another piece of evidence.

But we ask ourselves this.
How can one sleep, when there is so much still to do? How can one sleep when there is so much still to learn? How can one sleep when there are still so many problems in the world? How can one sleep before a solution is found? How can one sleep when that stroke of genious could take form in ones mind at any given time? How can one sleep in these exciting times of new groundbreaking technology being created, every minute, every second, of every day.
How can you turn off your thoughts, when all this is going on? Feel you no shame?

The night holds some hidden treasures.
Silence is one of my favorites. Don't you wish to be able to think, to work, to roam free, in a quiet environment? You might become addicted to the calm. You might find yourself able to be creative, much more so than during the daytime. You might just find yourself, like me, unable to stop that train of thought, as it rides so much faster when the stars are out. Being alone, uninterupted, there's pleasure in that. Solace sometimes too.

But most importantly.
Tell me why I should give up on seeing the sun rise, watching the world wake up, come to life. The sheer beauty of it is unexperienced by many. Observing everybody shuffling to work, to school. Knowing that everybody sets out on making today better than yesterday. Inventing stuff that didn't exist the day before. Improving on whatever they made yesterday. It gives me hope, and I cherish watching it from the outside, when my head is still clear, wide awake. Instead of bowed over a bowl of cereal, with only thoughts of more sleep and the weekend racing inside.

I know it makes me happy. And in the end, that is all that matters, is it not?