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RE: Bans Infamous Hacker @thedarkoverlord for Violating ToS

in #steemit6 years ago

First time I heard anyone being banned from Steemit; that in itself is surprising news. Also I don't know enough of the details to have a firm opinion on this, but in general I'd say shouldn't play the role of speech-arbiter as long as no laws are broken. Also there shpuld be no reason whatsoever to allow politicians to hide information from the public in a free and open democracy (which exists in theory only). I'm always surprised to see how many people think it's okay for democratic governments to have secrets. "They can't go telling in public what their strategy in armed conflicts is; the enemy would crush us!" or "Of course some trade deals should be secret and not transparent, how else would we maintain our advantage in the world markets?" There are many reasons people give, and on the surface they sound legit. But they aren't. There can be no secrets from the government in a democracy and the government can't be allowed to violate the privacy of it's citizens in a democracy. These are basic rules without which a democracy can not function. Information is power and at the moment the power-balance is skewed one way only: the man knows everything about you while telling nothing of himself. This is how false flag operations keep succeeding. If governments were honest about their reasons for war, no democratic country would ever go to war.

Geez... sorry, went on a small unrelated rant there.. Like I said; I know too little about this particular hacker and his accomplishments to make any valid judgement, but I basically don't like the idea of any company or central authority limiting speech.