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RE: @berniesanders got exposed and isn't happy about it! :)

in #steemitabuse7 years ago

Bernie doesn't realize the extent of the exposure he just got! :) He's just exposed EVEN MORE accounts to me!! :)) Once I've got a solid list of the majority of all of his accounts, I will begin to systematically fuck the shit out of them. :) I've got BIG plans for this little inbred piece of shit and it's going to be quite fun destroying this piece of shit sociopath's life! :))

Thanks for all the support, we hit the trending and hot pages! Even if only momentarily, we've gotten the maximum exposure we can on this! :)) I can't thank everyone enough for supporting me and bringing to light just how far the rabbit hole goes into bernie's abuse.

Much love, we WILL shut this piece of shit abuser down! His time has come and gone and his abuse will be at an end in the very near future! Or at least minimized to the very smallest amount he can possibly do, like sell his votes still or something. :) No worries, the GOOD people on this platform will outweigh the bad, I'm just gonna keep putting the word out there about him and beyond that, I've got some wonderful little tricks up my sleeve, stay tuned for the main event and later on?..

The grand finale! ;)