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RE: Re-Posting Other Peoples’ Photos/Videos on Steemit: Fair Use vs Commercial Use

in #steemitabuse7 years ago

Let's say that I want to critique a 2 minute movie clip that is using Neuro Linguistic Programming to install ideas of suicide into the minds of the people who watch it. And now let's say I want to do this for 5 separate 2 minutes scenes in this movie. If I upload one of these 2 minute clips with me commenting, critiquing, basically explaining the programming, would this count as Fair Use because I would be making money on Steemit via DTube with a copywritten movie? If we can't use movie clips on DTube to make a point because we earn money through Steemit, doesn't this platform have the potential for greater restrictions than YouTube?


Sorry for the delayed reply. It's been awhile since I've been on Steemit. (Tsk, tsk.) As I wrote in my original post, use that is transformative (e.g. commentary) lends itself to fair use. Ultimately, however, it's up to a judge to determine if it falls under the fair use category. And just a reminder....I'm not a lawyer.