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RE: Re-Posting Other Peoples’ Photos/Videos on Steemit: Fair Use vs Commercial Use

in #steemitabuse8 years ago (edited)

It's no surprise that this topic isn't getting much attention b/c let's face it most people are either not involved, don't care or clueless. Nonetheless, it's a really important issue going forward and doesn't have to single any one party out.

As a similar recent example involving commercial usage:
The FAA (in the US), stated that any commercial usage of drones/sUAS goes against what they consider to be legal. Even if you provide the aerial images/video for FREE and the company that gets the footage uses it in a commercial manner (for profit) then this is violating that clause. When you use Youtube, you lose your rights to earn on a particular video if copyright infringement is detected (music) or reported. Youtube does not and cannot afford to have a bunch of liabilities laying around - they are smart enough to police it. If this doesn't happen here... well, someone may go after then entire domain at some point if it's found to be littered with rampant commercial usage with $$$ attached to each post.

What will be interesting is when these photographers who shot these images uses services like to monitor their content and discover where it's at and how it's being used.
It's all so new, that most are still unaware of the potential of Steemit.

One thing I'm noticing about images being used on Steemit: they aren't showing up via the google reverse image search or via (this is only true for a few of my images that I tested with)

Also thank you to the OP @corinnestokes & @sean-king for taking the time to share knowledge on this topic. Also thanks should go to @masteryoda for keeping the dialogue going - good to get both sides to any story.