My personal issues with the abuse on steemit.

in #steemitabuse7 years ago (edited)


I've been inspired by the actions of some very influential people on Steemit, lately. Here's my two-cents on the current state of Steemit and it's future.

The biggest issue I find I've had with Steemit is that I've seen relentless abuse of this platform.
I would like to believe that an idea can execute perfectly untainted... But I fear that Steemit has become victim to yet another of human's flaws... Greed.

When I joined Steemit (Nearly 2 years ago, now.) I had high hopes.
I invested whatever (Small) amount I had in FIAT into Steemit.
I didn't expect it to be a miracle, or even some magnificent ROI.

What I did expect?

I expected this platform to be different than the other platforms of it's likeness.
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Etc..)

In ways, I found that it, in-fact, was different than other platforms.
When I joined, users curbed abuse as if it was simple.
They brought light to the abuse on the platform and they responded accordingly.


I still see the "Freedom Fighters" doing their business and I appreciate them more than one could imagine...
What I see more of, on steemit, now-a-days, is abuse.
Sadly, I have tried to bring many a friend to Steemit to procure some earnings for those who actually have intellectual and valuable input to add to the platform.. but these attempts have been (Seemingly) in vain...

Steemit as a whole is on the decline. The biggest problem with this? The fact that some people are indifferent to what's happening on the platform and how it affects them...

My hopes were that Steemit would be a home for those with original content and that it would promote creativity and the spirit of originality, but I've witnessed more abuse/self-promotion/shamelessness than I could have ever imagined...

My point.

The point of this post, is to bring light to the fact that many people are using Steemit as a "profit-driven incentive" and it's starting to disgust me.

In July of 2016, when I first joined Steemit, you would rarely see clearly orchestrated posts on comments/posts of "Upvote me and I'll upvote you" or "Followed! Please follow back!" or "Upvoted! Please upvote back!" or whatever you may see on here that qualifies as "Shamless self-promotion/Spam/Attempts to gain upvotes through pathetic methods... Whatever...

My point is, we've seen a major decline in the quality of posts on Steemit. (I'm not going to lie, even my own, personal friends, included...) What I'm questioning here, is the potential growth of the platform in the future... As well as the adaptation of people bringing this platform into their daily life.

What I'm seeing these days, is people not caring about their INVESTMENT.


What have you essentially done by buying Steem/SBD and powering up/promoting yourself?

You've made an Investment.

Are you really going to stand by and watch as people depreciate your investment?

If you are.. Then you deserve to lose every last bit of what you've "earned" here on Steemit... Because it's NOT right for people to sit here and abuse the platform... And cause people like you and I to suffer because of it...

I made an investment on a platform that was supposed to be "better than Facebook" and honestly... I still believe it is... I just don't believe that those with an investment in this platform, care, anymore... I understand that, to some, money is "no issue" and that they could care less what they lose... But to me? Steemit was a Major investment into my future and my children's futures... It was a major step in advancing not only my own destiny... but a step in ensuring that my children do not struggle in the ways that I have had to in the past.

What I'm asking.

Whales, Minnow, Plankton... All of you... PLEASE don't just sit by and watch OUR investment go to shit...
PLEASE do something to ensure that the value of OUR platform does not dissipate...

Some of the biggest
They get MUCH MORE attention/value than they deserve in any way and they post much more often than they need to.. To secure ill-gained profits, for their personal usage/enjoyment... abusers on Steemit are @haejin and from what I've seen, @sweetsssj.

This is NOT right and I truly hope that people will open their eyes to the abuse that's going on on Steemit these days...

Bots/Users I agree with their stance.

@SteemCleaners @Cheetah @AbuseReports @BernieSanders @Papa-Pepper

These users/bots have consistently exposed abusers and reported them/flagged them into oblivion (As much as they are able to.) and I am thankful that they exist.

There are many more, but I feel that these have been the strongest fighters against this abuse on Steemit.
They consistently flag/bring to light the abusers that remain on Steemit and they react accordingly.

I pray for Steemit's future.

All I want, is a platform that's fair to everyone, with the exception of those looking to abuse/self-promote/solely earn profit.

I want Steemit to be what it used to be, when I first joined... A platform that promotes positive and enlightening posts/comments.

A platform that values people who have opinions and thoughts on matters and have something to say about any given topic.

I see way too much of the spam/vote-seeking/self-promotion/begging for votes, than I ever had hoped.

But, that is life, there are always going to be people who wish to do things in only the interest of themselves...

Please help me curb this/Stop those people from abusing.

I watched the progression of events into what they are currently... and I must say, I'm truly sadLEECH from OUR platform.I fully back @berniesanders in his mission to stop @haejin, as many of you have seen.. I was there in the beginning.. When Steemit started... that no one has stopped @haejin and @sweetsssj in their over-posting, in attempts to maximize the profits they can

Please, people, open your eyes to the abuse that is currently happening... Please... Stop the theft of all of our user's profits/earnings. There are people on here who are abusing and only worried about what they can steal from us.

Please, help me... Help US stop the theft that is occurring DAILY on Steemit.

The fact of the matter is, there will always be people that seek to abuse a platform that can benefit them financially... The issue we have now, is... "How do we stop/prevent/block this?"

My thoughts/ideas?

BAND TOGETHER. Do not let a single entity/group determine OUR fate on this platform... Our Value... Because the fact of the matter is, they're depreciating ALL of our worth.

I appreciate your time reading this.

AT LEAST doing YOUR PART to fix the issues that have arisen on Steemit over the past years.Please consider upvoting/donating/delegating to @SteemCleaners, @Cheetah or @AbuseReports to ensure that action will be taken against abusers in the future and to ensure that you are

A great thanks to all who have taken the time to read this post and I wish you much success here on Steemit! :)


You came to my channel to flag me for no reason while writing articles like this. Good job.

No, I flagged you because you flagged my comment, you dumbass.
Are you retarded? -.- Enjoy more downvotes. Stop trying to spam comments so that you can upvote them. You're the prime example of an abuser. Fuck off.