Here is your mid-week BJJ training as I populate the block chain with the basics of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. If I kill all birds with one stone, I will show you an in-depth look at our academy, encourage new folks to take a trial in their town, fill in the holes of practitioners, and help instructors to be with a good example of instruction.
We are getting to the end of the curriculum and I am going to have to change formats and share some more advanced techniques soon. For not, we get into more stand-up fighting and work on the grips to start the fight right!
Grip Fighting
Personal take-aways/opinion:
- Stand-up - Many schools focus solely on the ground techniques (which is where the fight is going to go) but ours has a strong base in Judo, and having a good stand up game lets you start a competition match out in control and has GREAT results.
- Gold medal/silver medal - This is how it was explained to me simply. You are aiming for a gold medal......and you are aiming for the cross lapel grip as your gold medal. The silver medal is second best and you add the sleeve grip as the silver medal.
*Grip breaking - This is such a great thing to know especially in competition. It distracts your opponent (opening up other things) tires them out, and frustrates them if you have a good breaking game. - Man Greg looks like even more of a beast on video. Ryan could take him apart in a fight but he has to be careful as Greg is fast AND strong and good.
My stand-up game almost non existing for the moment. We often train on the ground, but stand-up game is in my opinion crucial on and off the mat.
It does make sense to spend most of the time training on the ground since most fights go to the ground. Most fights do start from the feet though so you should spend some time training that as well in my opinion.
In our club, the beginner classes are all starting from knees. For the advanced classes, we start from our feet and I love it. That and the judo seminars we have once a month make the beginning of competition matches so much less stressful!
First vote! Always a great post!
Hah thanks for the support and feedback!
You guys do a lot of stand up training and fighting at your school?
We start Jiu Jitsu matches standing up where I'm currently training. I've been to other schools who start on the knees or already on the ground. I understand situational training but just starting on the ground doesn't teach you what you need. Since starting standing up I've got alot better. I would like to train more stand up though to round my self out.
Nice blog post looks awesome!