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RE: Office Relocation, Steemit Trolls and "Confidence" - #Ulog Entry No. 4

A change of scenery can definitely be a good thing. At least, I have always found that I "see" things differently from different locations.

I know of whom you speak; I remember (gently) butting his head a couple of times... seems a slightly overzealous devotee of Sadhguru Isha; probably went to a retreat and now feels "obliged" to save the world from itself... friend of mine went to India and sat with him for three weeks and returned kinda insufferable in her "all-knowing" of all things non-duality. Which turned out to be somewhat ill advised when turned on someone who spent almost 15 years exploring that particular path... although I managed to NOT turn into (I hope!) a self-righteous butt-muffin in the process.

I'm going to NOT share some of my other speculative opinions about that particular individual. If it becomes an issue, I have zero compunction about dropping a couple of well-placed flags... just shoot me message on or discord.

Anyway, your hangout looks like a nice place!


Agree totally!!! You do "see things differently" and today I am seeing things differently from my bed lol :D The weather is pretty miffy outside, so it seemed like a good day to "slum it" lol

I managed to NOT turn into (I hope!) a self-righteous butt-muffin in the process.

Most definitely not!!!!! lol :)

And thank you so much for having my back. I really do appreciate that. I hope it is not necessary and that the message has finally been received... time will tell I guess lol.