Shhhht,, I almost ran out of fncks to give. 🤢
I did read enough to get me through, aside from the centered text; your style of writing is captivating. Held me long enough to find this gem:
One of the primary objectives of decentralised systems is to create "freedom from chains" - and this means that many people are beginning to shift direction, giving of themselves (as well as their hard earned money) to this forward thinking avenue - in the hopes that they can change their lives in terms of being stuck in the system of 9-5 monotony, thus affording them a better quality of life. Say what you will, but if 99% of people were TRULY HONEST - they would admit that this was one of the primary reasons for their presence here.... all the additives are AMAZING, but everyone has hopes, dreams and goals in life...
It's true the vast majority of us is here for a better future. I believe Steemit's greatest quality is being an educational tool and that's more important than generating passive income.
The algorithms aren't perfect, nor are the bots but they keep greed in check and that's a huge leap for innovation and content creation.
Cheers 🍻
lol - well... I am a gemini and I like balance...
so I centered this comment just for you too lol ❤️
Nothing in life is perfect and that is fine,
but... people have the power of choice -
and in respect to this particular piece...
can make a huge difference here!
Thank you for the lovely comment and for stopping by.
Did you make it to the end? 😎
The centered text helps with the 'feel' or 'ambiance' in your writing. Yes, I did make it to the end...
I'm still dizzy 😵... j/k 😉
This is great -
One of the primary objectives of decentralised systems is to create "freedom from chains"
And your stylings - alignment and quotation - are on point.