I'm really amazed at how you handle all that stress. For me having a bunch of accounts here and there causes a lot of stress. I, therefore, like to delete several apps from time to time, because I don't want to receive a hundred notifications all the time. Especially when I have heavy exams at university, I'd like to keep my phone silent and lock it away somewhere. Don't you feel stressed with so many accounts every minute? If not, please let me know how you handle that.
Besides that, I'm really looking forward testing your Share2Steem! :)
I think we are all "programmed" slightly differently so what you possibly find stressful - I find as somewhat of a release for my incredibly anxious and ever-energetic personality. Having multiple things to do all at once allows me to diffuse and somehow calm my VERY active mind. I struggle mostly, to RELAX! haha :)
That's a really interesting point here. For me, diffusing is not a good state, because in this condition I have zero concentration and I think without concentration we cannot relax. But as you said, it is for everyone different. As long as you feel comfortable, everything is good haha :)
true story ;)