howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!
I have written posts about the Amish before and it's no secret that I
have a love and respect for their faith, family values, work ethic and
simple way of life. I believe they are great asset to America and also
to Canada.

And for that reason it's thrilling to see that their numbers are not just
increasing but exploding in growth! In fact they have doubled their
numbers in the last 20 years and now have settlements in 30 states.

The reason for this growth is because the young Amish are choosing
to stay with their settlements at the rate of 90 to 95% which is a
dramatic increase in numbers from historic norms. For some reason
when the youth are going out into the "English" world to explore, they
are deciding that they're rather stay with their settlement and forgo
the ways of the world.

So while they used to be found in just a few states they are now
forming new settlements in new territory, they even have one in
Wyoming up by Devils Tower which is a 1.5 hour buggy ride into the
nearest town! That'd be rough in the middle of the winter. There is
also a second one being built in Wyoming.

They're expanding because of the increase in their population due to
so many staying home, so they're buying land everywhere as farmers
leave their farms due to economic concerns. I know that in Kentucky
there are many tobacco farmers who have quit and many dairy farms
have gone under in Wisconsin and the Amish have come into both
states and buying those English farms.

I'm as excited as can be because they're excellent farmers and totally
organic growers and they sell to local markets which helps everyone
with organic products. When we were in Ohio our favorite store was
a health food market which sold Amish products almost exclusively
and they were the best quality that you could find, so many more
areas of the country are going to be experiencing that.

The biggest surprise is that New York state, upstate New York, is
the hotspot with 47 settlements, 18 of those are brand new and
next is Maine with 5 new settlements. To me, this is a total God
thing, His move. It can only strengthen this country in food supply,
morals, values, honor and integrity. Plus the Amish are as Green
as you can get!

Thank you folks, I hope you enjoyed the photos, they are all from
God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck
ps- ya know, you might just be a redneck if:
Your mother has "ammo" on her Christmas list!
I grew up in MD so the Pennsylvania Dutch were not far away. I too have a tremendous amount of respect for them and their culture, but I had never given a lot of thought to the points you brought up about what they contribute to the community. What amazing people!
Oh, remember my epic fail “silver” coin auction story? Well, that was in Kentucky and I got beat out on a few lots by none other than the Amish! They were buying the red plastic gas cans and I remember thinking “what on earth could they need those for?!” 😂
yes they are amazing. well in my other post about them I went into more details about their lifestyle but I was running behind so I cut it short. alot of people, at least my followers, or at least some of them lol. like short posts.
they probably were buying the cans for their diesel generators, they use generators to power their clothes washing machines. they don't do those by hand anymore.
we used to see them at land auctions in Kansas. if they want a piece of land you might as well forget it, they're loaded with cash. their church is their bank.
The lovely thing *janton about the Amish way of living is their connectedness - helping each and working together. I am thinking that the crime rate would be non-existent but if a problem arises I assume a bench of elders deal with issues and hand out consequences. etc.
yes Ma'am that is exactly right on all points. they work together, there is no crime and the elders take care of those issues. very good.
Nothing like some quality built Amish furniture! And look at all those people working on that building. I’d like to know how they deal with the weeds in their fields.
Oh! And last, but not least! If you’re concerned about global warming, live like the Amish! Cough, Like they’d ever do that! Cough
hhaha! yes live like the Amish and give up all your luxuries.
when we were in Ohio we loved to go down into Amish country to shop and sight see, lots of furniture stores down there.
The quality is good but man are they expensive. anything you buy from them, except food, they charge a fortune for. They make tons of money. that's how they can afford all these farms that they're buying up. tons of cash. their church is their bank.
They are the least expensive in our area (Southeastern PA) when it comes to construction of things like sheds, outbuildings, pole barns, etc... Not only where they the least expensive they complete the project quicker than anyone else and the quality is top notch.
that's great to hear. well being in the real estate business in Ohio were were familiar with prices and were always shocked at theirs, evidently they knew people would pay for top quality so it worked for them! more power to them.
Their van drivers made darn good money too, taking them back and forth from the job sites.
thank you sir for commenting!
Hi @janton. Don't know much about them besides a crazy TV program on them. I didn't realize what they were all about but simple living it looks like. Hard work and using the land for what it is meant for.
yes sir well to them it is a spiritual issue, meaning that they believe living in too many comforts and luxuries makes people get caught up in the world and not focus on God. That's why they don't allow TVs in their homes.
I disagree with some of their teaching just because it has no real Biblical basis to it but hey it's working to keep their groups strong, together and thriving so I admire them. while much of society is falling apart, they are staying strong together.
and the best part about them, or one of the best things they believe in is that they hate government involvement. that's why they are all off the grid, they don't trust the government and don't want to be held hostage by government. they're very independent.
Back to nature.
Nice post.
I've always been amazed with the Amish; all they are is symbolic in their barn together, hand made, organic, selflessness, non-materialistic, family, community etc. Great photos too.
I know I told you before about them in Canada, and I agree, their food reminds me of what the German women who worked for a German hall where I grew up used to make. Delicious!
well well well..look who decided to show up! where have you been, taking off again? yeah I've eaten at many of their restaurants and the food is great but not exactly healthy, I think they put sugar in everything! lol.
With Brian's health, some days are good and some bad, and I seem to take days off with both :)
haha sugar in everything! That's like here. I even bought what was labelled as plain yogurt and it was so sweet I couldn't eat it. It's in everything!
it's an addictive curse so it limits our choices dog gonit, forces us to make stuff ourselves dog gonit, I hate being forced to do work!
It does keep you coming back for more, that's for sure :)
yeah I love it! lol.
We have a huge community just East of Tulsa where they own most of one county out there. I love the food they grow, the wood they sell, and the furniture they make! I respect them for their faith, and hard work, and with the hat I wear, I was mistaken for one once, LOL! I was NOT insulted by that, but I was undoubtedly the ONLY one in the county; with a concealed handgun in my pocket, ROFLOL! :)
I was never more impressed with them than in the last election. The registered 80,000 voters in Pa, and carried the state by 30,000 votes extra.
I have always held them in high esteem; but they stunned me with their fervor in voting for the first time!
smithlabs! ha! you being mistaken for an Amish is good.
the voting thing is remarkable and with their increasing numbers they could be a powerful block in a few years.
I agree, I was NOT insulted. Those are good Men!
They registered, for the first time in History. They asked their equivalent of a Deacon, why they registered. He told them; "to vote", they said they understood that, but why now? He told them, on Live TV; "Because Hillary is the spirit of Anti-Christ (which is solid Bible)!"
I am sure that THAT reporter was fired, LOL!
that interview got aired where he said that?
I'm surprised they let that get out.
That is why I said he was fired for sure! Never ask a question; if you don't already have the answer!
is that the way they do it?
Absolutely! They are liberals, so they will fire for politics, at the drop of a hat!
so beautiful <3
thank you much for reading and commenting @colorme, I love those photos also.
thank you !
and what does your username mean, are you an artist?@colorme where bouts you located?
I love it and respect it as well, but it's too bad they can't do Steemit. With a community as tight knit as theirs, they would run steemit in no time.
hahaha! yes sir I never thought about that. they have computers at their businesses but no usually in their homes. They have a population of about 215,000 and I forgot to mention that, but since they doubled their numbers in 20 years I don't know if that means they will double them again in the next 20 years or would it be more?
did you like the photos? I could study those for a long time but I never know what other people are going to like.
I loved the photos. I especially liked the barn raising. It probably wasn't a barn but that's what they used to call stuff like that around here.
yes sir, I think it was a barn, I have other great photos of those but didn't want to overburden the post with too many photos.
I also have quite a few with closer photos showing faces and such but they don't like to be photographed so I wanted to respect that.
I'm originally from Upstate NY and I love the Amish. They live north of Syracuse where I grew up. They have settlements now in the Adirondacks. They are just wonderful people and I admire them too. Nice post!
thank you squirrelbait! did you like the photos? I could just study those for a long time but it's hard to know what other people like.
Oh yes, I really liked the photos. I don't see the Amish here so it was nice to see your pictures.
thanks squirrebait...a good idea would be to move in next to them, become good friends then when the stuff hits the fan they won't be affected that much and you can stay with them or offer your guns for hire to protect them, I protect for food!
They would take of you too. However, they would insist you leave your gun behind. So, not a secure place but they would help you if you needed it.
hey squirrelbait that's one thing I haven't researched, their gun policy, have you?
I have not done that research. I know their stand on violence. Remember the Amish schoolhouse shooting? Their reaction was forgiveness. Also, none showed up with guns to stop the guy. They might allow a hunting rifle, I am not sure.
It's interesting how much we hear about the Amish. I'm guessing it's because it's been primarily an Eastern U.S. kind of thing and a lot of the media is that way.
Here, we have Mennonites, which aren't necessarily related, but who are definitely in the same vein as far as hard work, successful businesses, family values, etc. They also dress like they're from a different era.
The one main difference is, they're okay with technology. They drive cars, and live in modern homes.
When it flooded in a nearby town, the Mennonites were out helping people with their flooded out basement and other parts of their home. They didn't help the tavern, though. :) Those guys were on their own.
I think it's great when any people live their religion, rather than spend more time giving it a bad name. That's an amazing statistic of retention for the youth, too. It can be really scary out there, especially when so many have so little of a moral compass, or anything other than themselves to cling to.
At the same time, society could use more interaction with people of strong ethical and moral faith. Somehow being in the world and not of the world is the better balance, but I don't know that striking it is all that simple. Many of us have a hard time doing that.
howdy today sir Glen! yes sir, well and the Amish want to be left alonge, our general society could learn alot from them but they shun interaction most of the time, can't really blame them though.
I think they are such a blessing to this country though. Many people think that they are just Old Testament followers but all of them that I know of our very modern in their teachings and are Christ followers and born again.
With our farm operation in Kansas we worked beside many Mennonites and they were excellent with the latest and best equipment, they also were expanding like crazy and if you were at a land auction and they wanted a piece of land you could forget it because they would pay anything for it, they are loaded with cash.
their church is their bank like the Amish. very interesting comparing the two groups, both believe in spiritual priority but one goes high tech and the other no tech and their approaches work for them and they both thrive.
strange though, I don't think they like the West Coast!
Well, that's a funny thing about the Amish. They want to be left alone, but they don't just sell goods within their own communities, so they're not completely isolationists. I can understand the wanting to be left alone part. I want to be left alone, too. :)
Yeah, the Mennonites all seem to be pretty industrious. I've ran across one or two who actually left the religion, though. Don't know enough about their situation, why, or so forth, and didn't have any reason to fault them for it, either. Seemed in the one or two chances I had to observe them (since I wasn't really interacting), they still seemed like decent folk, which is a plus, too.
I don't know enough about Mennonite doctrine to say what they believe that way. I just know they're not keen on a lot of things that we do as a matter of course, like having pictures taken of them, which I guess has a graven image base, but I wasn't clear as to how that applied if you weren't worshiping it.
Anyway, as you said, we're pretty lucky as a nation to have them, and I'll throw in anyone else who actually tries to live a Christ-like life, living among us.
good day to you sir Glen! From what we saw in Ohio, and being in the real estate business we worked with a number of them to purchase properties to invest in, they were buying rental homes and units, they are very savvy business people.
And of course their entire farming operations were geared toward supplying health food stores like the one we shopped at, the meats, eggs, produce, fruit and especially their wines(which are the best!)
So very modern and commercialized when it came to running their businesses. they make tons of money too. cheap labor, no insurance or union dues to pay, low overhead. But their home lives are a different matter.
I haven't heard that the Mennonites didn't want their pictures taken but they are similar in their beliefs to the Amish, at least in many ways.
Now that I think of it, there were some who were a little more strict about that than others. It was a couple of older business owners starting a restaurant, and I wanted to feature them in the newspaper. They declined and then told me why. A while later, there was another story with someone else, and they were okay with it. So it may have been individual interpretations of the faith, or different teachings within strains.
Well, it sounds like the Amish got it right if they have no insurance or union dues to pay, and low overhead. I guess if the labor is being done by them, their families or others in their community, cheap labor might be compensated in other ways. Sounds like the perfect set up to me.
I think I've had some kind of pie or pastry, which I really liked, but now I can't remember what it was. I know both the Amish and Mennonites are highly regarded here for all they do. I'm not sure where the Amish goods came from, though, since I'm not aware of a community around here.
Okay, looks like they're within fifty miles of here maybe. Hard to tell. Since they don't use the internet I'm relying on third party sites and they seem to be all over the place with their information. :)
Where i used to live (center of the thumb of Michigan) was one of the largest Amish and Mennonite communities in the state.
I had the fortune one time of witnesses an actual barn raising. IT WAS unbelievable! I wanted to take some pictures, but I respected the Amish belief of not taking photographs of them.
howdy today @goldendawne! yes Ma'am that would have been unreal to see in person. Yes I have alot of photos of them up closer showing their faces but out of respect for them not wanting to be photographed I didn't show any of those.
Thank you for this lovely post @janton,
Beautiful photographs and information. It would be lovely to have such transportation. ^__^
All the best to you.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, I love those photos as well! I see that you appreciate beautiful artwork and have alot of that on your blog. Where are you from?howdy from Texas @bentleycapital! yes the buggies are a charming way to get around if it isn't too cold or too hot, then there can be problems but the biggest danger to them are the insane, fast driving English morons who run into them quite often.
Thank you for your kind reply and query....Texas is one of those wonderful places where one never meets a stranger.....I do hope it survives the California Exodus. ^__^
England is my home.......however I have lived many places and have become a bit of a conglomerate.
All the best. Cheers!
howdy again @bentleycapital! England is so wonderful, I hope she survives the exodus of Muslims coming in because they don't assimilate, from what I understand. Are they still coming or have limitations been established?
So this is very interesting, you said that you have lived many places, does that include the United States and if so where?
Greetings @janton.
Yes....You are quite correct.
Let us hope England the moment there are no restrictions in place....the flow is ongoing.
All the best to you.
howdy there @bentleycapital! thanks so much for getting back to me. Well, what is the reasoning for allowing all these muslims in, knowing that they don't assimilate? I don't understand the rationale.
Thank you for your reply.
There you have it.....'reasoning'....that was left behind and not recovered long ago.
What is the first thing a judge looks that not so? There is always a motive.
Since this happening is happening on a grand scale is bigger than we are......however we know the One who knows all. I give the problem to Him. 'Casting all your cares on Him......for He careth for you.' His promise.
Speaking of this topic....Tommy Robinson could use our prayers. Perhaps you have heard of him.
Wishing you all the best.
First I heard about the expanding Amish! Interesting facts and I enjoyed the pictures too!
thank you sir simms50! I'm glad you liked the post, I think they are a great strength for this country and I'm thrilled that they are exploding in growth. do you have any in..I forgot where you are sorry, do you have any in your area?
This is the first time I am hearing of the Amish. I am glad to read about them, their environment is really beautiful. I also admire the fact that they love and engage in farming. Thanks for sharing this with us!
howdy my friend from Nigeria on this beautiful Wednesday! I'm so glad you liked the post, one of our favorite times was to go visit Amish country in Ohio. They are the ultimate organic farmers and off-grid homesteaders. We could learn alot from them! God bless you and thank you!
Well that absolutely has to be good for our food supply. I am starting to form a theory about our modern foods. A lot of it is a step away from soylent green. They take the exact same base substance mush it up in a machine press it out in shapes and just add different flavors and colors.
Take away those artificial flavors and colors it is just all the same old mush.
You ever look into the heath and life span of the Amish? Eye opening stuff. I am sure a diet of real food helps a bit with those results.
howdy back again @headchange! that is a very interesting theory about our food supply. sounds like Frankenfood but you are probably more correct than I'd like to think about.
No I never researched the life span of the Amish, have you?
My impression is that they don't live any longer than anyone else because of their diet being so loaded with sugar. They put sugar in EVERYTHING!
it's the only terrible thing about the way they cook. even their wine, as delicious as it is, is way too sweet and loaded with sugar.
thank you so much for your thought-provoking comment, very much appreciated!
How many Amish do you think there are in total?
I still remember that I was totally amazed about the fact there are people still living in such a way.
And our was really fun to see what happens with a group of Amish if you drop them in a big city like NY. 😁😬
ha! howdy back @crypto-econom1st! to see a group of Amish dropped in NYC would be a good tv show!
There are 251,000 as of a couple of years ago, I forgot to put that number into my post. they are set if the grid goes down! All I gotta do is get in good with a settlement and then if the grid goes down I'll offer protection from thieves in exchange for food. lol.
We had a television documentary about a group of Amish that went to a big city. I think they are really sent to New York. But it could have been another city.
It was broadcasted on TLC. But my feeling says that you don't have TLC in the states?
What wonderful news to hear that their numbers are increasing so much - instead of decreasing in this day and age (and the allure of modern life). I love this: "it's no secret that I
have a love and respect for their faith, family values, work ethic and
simple way of life. I believe they are great asset to America and also
to Canada." Couldn't agree more.
thank so much @buckaroo. We need to export them to South Africa, wouldn't that be something? they've increased to 251,000 as of 2016, I forgot to put that in my post but they are starting to make a difference but I wish the area's with heavy Amish populations would build buggy paths along main roads because there are so many fatal crashes by idiots driving too fast in those areas, in Ohio it was a common occurrence and very sad. They are a true blessing to this nation which in many ways doesn't deserve them!
Your last statement is a tragic reality. Which is why it's amazing that the Amish communities are growing. I'm sorry to hear that there are fatalities on the roads. That's terrible. You'd think they would drive slower because they know the buggy areas
yes Ma'am the accidents are so unnecessary and so tragic. but drivers are idiots and maybe most of the accidents are caused by people just passing through the areas and not from around there, I don't know. But there are tons of signs posted to drive slow because of the buggies. It kills horses and people, photos I see of them are heart wrenching.
I was born in Reading, PA and my brother was born in Lancaster. My earliest memories were of the Amish farms and their buggies. Now, they are all around us up here in northern Maine, and it is a wonderful thing!
nice to have you back!