I would love to be able to choose ONE thing to love in, well – pretty much ANY category, subject or genre lol! But, alas… I am a Gemini and asking me to ”pick one” is essentially requesting the impossible from me.
I love Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson, but I also love Elvis Presley and Enigma haha! I like to consider my favourite colour as green but if you put turquoise in front of me, I will be conflicted. I love heels (especially stilettos) but I am a complete sucker for boots too! I love dark and shady night clubs with plenty of lights and loud music, but I also have an overwhelming passion for mother nature and the exuberating stillness which she provides.
Everyone that “blogs” always goes on and on about how you need to have a niche – and to be frank, they are probably right hahaha! But Jayne does as Jayne will and segregating my life and fancies, is simply something that I have an inability to do… and I am quite happy to admit this lol!
So, I am going to STOP trying to do that!
(yes, I have tried… to the best of my ability anyway haha!)
This post that you are reading now, is a part of MY blog and it is MY space! (lol @ “myspace” – lets not go there ok?!) I am not going to try and “tailor it” so that it meets respective peoples approval. No. It is a place for me to express myself, the way I see fit!
Sometimes I may share detailed recipes, brief cooking experiences and experiments or simple enjoyment at places visited. I LOVE to share my music favourites… OFTEN, because it is something that I am particularly passionate about. I may or may not get philosophical about life… I am VERY good at getting “EMO” too, and sharing those moments in rant posts or more likely poetry. Sometimes, I just like to say ”hello!” and tell the people around me that I love them!
Whatever I choose to post here, I want to feel ok with it. I want to know that those that choose to follow me, do so because they enjoy engaging and sharing with me and that we have some sort of “common ground”. I think there is a little bit of a “underlying guilt” when posting here on Steemit, because you (well, I do anyway) – wonder if people look at what you share sometimes, and go ”oh gosh, REALLY?! – Is THIS what my upvotes are going to?!” And I am really getting TIRED of worrying myself about that crap!
Steemit is a SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM! Whether our post is short and sweet or the complete opposite, it should be completely irrelevant – if the people following us really want to experience the journey together!
If you don’t like what I post, or the frequency at which I do such – that is your choice. One which you are equally entitled to. But it is not going to stop me, from being ME! My blog is a place of expression. It is a space for me to be FREE – Sharing WHAT I want, WHEN I want!
So – on that note… there is the end of a ramble from me… hehe… and as a BONUS FEATURE… a song which I am listening to as I write this and am really enjoying! This is the original which I LOVE!
Whilst looking it up, I came across a remix….
I still prefer the original but come to think of it –
Hope you enjoy it to!
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...
Uhm-hmmm.... yeah, been down that road and back.
I've probably bored you with how I ended up here; the super abbreviated version being that Steemit represents a return to the earliest days of social content: "Social Blogging."
Remember Xanga? Diary-X? MDD? Circa 1999-2005-ish, pre MySpace, pre Facebook. We wrote blogs about "this and that" but mostly LIFE and socialized across our passions and interests. Facebook sort of destroyed that by making the "social" about photos and one-liners; suddenly "someone" decreed that in order to blog properly, you needed a topic, a niche. A lot of people bought into that. It's basically bullshit.
The most noteworthy blogs in 2000 were not "focused;" they were about ALL of life.
That's why I love what Terry ( @surpassinggoogle ) is doing with the Ulog movement... whether he realizes, or not, taking us BACK to "the Internet of PEOPLE" rather than "The Internet of Information." The information end is already overstocked... we need the people factor back... and that's what we're doing here!
Meanwhile, I am still debating whether to "fork" my blog into keeping what I have, adding a "shorter random" version and an "art" version (which would be very different from my current content).
@denmarkguy I could not agree more!!!
I love that and it is so true! I have also been somewhat conflicted about splitting my content and eventually I did. I love messing around with photography... I am no expert or professional but I do have fun with it and so I eventually created a completely separate profile for that... but now I am somewhat questioning whether I should have or not... ooooh well! haha
I reckon splitting works if you have a long-term time frame and the content is distinct enough... AND if the likely followers would be quite different. I know several people have "serious" and "casual" accounts; or "business" or "art" accounts.
I would choose to make a separate "art" account because I don't want to "congest" this account with SteemBay sales listings and sales pitches when most of my followers expect "deep shit about life" from me.
hahahaha yes I think that would be a very good call :)
very interesting sir @denmarkguy..I'd never heard of any of the pre-facebook sites, how long have you been doing this anyway, since those first sites?
I've never done any social media and this is the first blogging I've ever attempted..but I learned alot just from your comment!
A while, I guess... I started building simple web pages around 1996; my earliest attempts at "blogging" was a site with dynamic journal pages around 1998; about the time the term "blog" was coined, I came across a now defunct platform called "Open Diary" which was the first (as far as I know) "social" multi-user generated content venue... because you could dynamically COMMENT.
Not sure who really had the first "mass user" blog site... LiveJournal, Xanga, Diary-X, Blogger, MDD (short for MyDearDiary), DiaryLand? I had presences on all of them... which also testing the waters on the very first "get paid for your content" site, called epinions — that was in 1999.
My oldest "still living" blog started in 2002. I'm still loosely affiliated with dozens of blogs and web sites; I've been part of 100's; I've also been part of at least 50 projects that revolved around the basic idea of rewarding contributors for their content. Other than Steemit, only ONE has not gone the way of the dodo... and always for the same reasons: Human GREED; the greed of a minority conspiring to drain every last cent of reward... to the detriment of everyone.
So I pray — pretty much daily — for Steemit's survival... because there's a LOT of history saying "this can't work." I'm hopeful this is FINALLY the exception to the rule...
@denmarkguy..you're overqualified for this platform! lol. I mean holy moly! that is an amazing Bio involving the social media site world. Well, you are still here in Steemit, is it based on hope or faith?
and you said that one other content reward site was still out there, what is that one?
thank you sir for your excellent explanation!
The distinguishing factor here is that there's no "company" that only has so much "cash" and then they are bankrupt. We get rewarded in tokens, the value of which is set by the open market. Sure, we can turn those tokens into fiat cash... but when we do so, there's no "company" footing the bill... an investor is buying my tokens.
And so, if I want my tokens to become worth more, then there's incentive for me to add whatever "value" I can, so as to maximize the value of Steem, in the long run.
The common argument seems to be "Yeah, but how will everyone get rewards, when there are 10 or 20 million users and only so much Steem?"
The hope/assumption there is that the token might increase in value to $20 or $50, rather than its current $1.25 or whatever. Same number of tokens, spread thinner, but each token worth 20x more. If you want to think really BIG, Facebook stock has a market cap of $600bn... so why couldn't Steem have a market cap of $600bn if true "mass adoption" happened? Sure, that requires $2000 Steem... but if the platform has 2bn users, that's not an outrageous idea.
I am also here because Steemit is sort of a prototype venue exploring a particular approach to UBI (Universal Basic Income), which may become important as robotics increasingly replace humans in the job market.
HubPages.com; started in 2006... it has reinvented itself a few times, but I still have articles there, and I still get occasional royalty payments. But it's very much an "article" site, rather than a blog site... and it's based around the traditional ad-revenue share model. On one hand, it doesn't pay much... on the other, I am still getting royalties on articles written ten years ago.
articles written ten years ago! lol. that's amazing but not my kind of site that's for sure.
Wow, this was a great response and I can see why you are doing so well here. I love the way you are being open-minded about Steemit and it's possibilities, it's amazing to contemplate on that!
So one of the keys to that kind of growth is to get ALOT more people to join and if investors see millions of active members then they'll see Steemit as a safer investment. And the more investment, the more the price will hopefully rise and then even more people will join.
I will be very interesting to see what happens in the future.
Thank you sir for your thoughts, expertise and opinions!
You know what? I mean oh my dear lord, I cant believe my upvotes are encouraging such blasphemy. Steemit is like a religion and you must abide by the guidelines and everyone has to do it a certain way.
Pffffffffffffffffff. I just can't believe it. To say that I am giving you free money to such amazing and fun posts to someone who is so great for this community.... It is soooo wrong.
So wrong that I'm going to keep doing it! I am a Steemit sinner :~O
The thing about niches... I have to disagree with them. We are growing people. One day we are on the same track and then the next something happens and changes our views on something. How can we have the same niche if everything is always changing?
Do what you are called to do. Keep growing from it, and I think that this way is best as it shows the person you are and makes it much easier to connect. We can see that you are an actual human being full of life an emotions. No better way to live it than if you are sharing it in my opinion.
Now THAT right there should have been a post all on its own @foxyspirit! MWAH!!!! That was filled with so much passion hon! You had me going there in the beginning though... hehehehe ;) and thank you for such lovely words!
Thanks so much for this honest post, @jaynie. It's good to hear (read) that not everyone sees Steemit as a place where you must have a niche. Since being here, multiple people have asked me what my blog is about, and at first I struggled to answer, because I hadn't really thought about it. Then as I formulated answers, I found that I had indeed created a niche for myself. This in itself makes problems for bloggers - two I've discovered are that you struggle to find unique and entertaining content to write on, and you really limit the amount of people who may be interested in what you do write. Freeing up what you write on seems a really fantastic way of circumventing these problems.
Thanks for another excellent, and entertaining, post!
SPOT ON!!! You said that so perfectly! Besides... personally, I find blogging about one thing so monotonous hehe and as they say... variety is the spice of life ;)
Ha 'they' do say that!! Although, I'm usually the sort of person who finds a meal they love and cook that every night for two weeks until I become sick of it! I tend to have 7 shirts, one for each day of the week! And drive the same way to work, never to veer from the roads I like - and consequently fall to pieces if there are roadworks closing any of my usual favourites!!
I have always been told to write what you know... but on steemit my horizons are open to so much more.
A niche? Well, I started on steemit mainly for gardening and since then, have evolved into so much more. While gardening and homesteading are my base topics, I do veer off. Every day is different here, so every post tends to be different too.
Yes that is very true @goldendawne :)
Love you so much @jaynie <333 & the fact that you're a gemini sun totally amps your awesomeness factor sistar (imho)!!!! this post right here is platinum especially for those like myself that needed a synchronistic 'permission slip' of sorts such as this :) #steemitbloggers
I laughed inside when I read this. Fiona's Favourites, when I started it - yonks ago, now, was supposed to be about food. Now it's about everything and the odd bit of food. All my favourites. Good on you, @jaynie
hahaha well at least the name still works! haha
Bwahahaha! and even sometimes I wonder about that. I can be a bit of a stretch!!
I didn't like that piece at first, Jaynie, but liked it better and better as it progressed. That could work for any number of woodland-themed romances, mysteries or fantasy...as the theme music for it.
it is indeed a kind of "grow on you" kind of tune @mepatriot :)
It sure is...almost mystically so...if that makes sense...lol...
Haha, you were right about the song! :D
hahaha!!! Good to know @trendo :)
Haha, I didn't know that Gemini were so indecisive, but since I'm one as well that kind of proves the point! :D
Starting on Steemit, I thought hard about my niche and that was difficult because I have so many things that interest me. I guess it's kind of just turned into a "Life" blog, which is great because you can't really categorize an evolving human being and their interests. At least that's what I think.
What a fun little post to read. I agree with a lot of what you said :)
I love the part you mentioned about not being able to box an evolving human being! That is so darn true! Glad you enjoyed it hon and thanks for stopping by :) xxx
wow awesome i want to tell you just a simple..
that every nature seen create a very beautiful content in our world..
That's why you say that every thing which are in the world you love it..
Thanks for sharing with us...
And thank you :)
lol! great post @jaynie because I can totally relate and have no specific niche and do posts on anything. I DO kind of envy those with specialties who know exactly what they want to post for days in advance and I don't know from one day to the next but it works for us doesn't it? and we can't be pegged or nailed down!
oh you saw that, good. I'm such a dinosaur when it comes to stuff like that, I didn't know if I did it right. thank you.
I think we all like steemit... who use it all day :)
Thank you!! And I hope :))
Nice blog.
Thank you. I appreciate that :)