Put your panties back on Steemit - This too shall pass!

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago

Oh my heavens!!!! Never in my life have I seen such a tidal wave of complete despondency and white flags waving furiously in the air as I have on Steemit in the last 48 hours! Krikey, it is almost as bad as all the people on FB bitching about the adverts REPEATEDLY appearing on their feed, yet have failed to investigate the "tailoring of such" in their settings.

YES the crypto markets are a complete damn disaster right now!!! But can everyone please just put their panties back on and get a bloody GRIP! NOTHING in life worth any REAL weight gets served on a golden platter, so take a moment - get off the bus, inhale some perspective and then get over yourself!!!

Foresight people... FORESIGHT!

This is NOT going to last forever and you know what - even if it WAS going to - throwing yourself onto the floor in a meltdown style surrender is not going to do you any long term favours either! lol! True Story! ;)

My advice... pick yourself up and GET ON WITH IT as if nothing had changed... and when you look again, EVERYTHING will have changed and you will be thankful that you didn't continue lying in your puddle of despair making mud angels.


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Steemit Bloggers

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Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...


Remember when people would say " oh you bough steem at 80 cents wow if steem ever went to 80 cents i'd load the boat"
Well here it is.. so start loading

PRECISELY! and if you don't have anything to invest - NOW is the time to work EVEN harder on the platform itself!

LOL, nice! I agree. Chill pills for everyone. We made it through .07 cent Steem and we will make it through this as well.

Also it is a great time to post and engage as there is less traffic.

could not agree more @whatsup! lol @ "chill pill" - havent heard that one in a few years hehe :)

Isn't this what they call a sorting of the wheat from the chaff, or the men from the mice? It'll weed out the folk who saw this as a place to get rich quick rather than a platform for community building.

I'm not really what one would call a well versed investor, but isn't this the opportunity stock enthusiasts wait for?

Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes (oddly enough from Warren Buffett):

"When the tide goes out, you discover who's been swimming naked."

I think that is now my new favourite quote. It's simple, yet there's so much going on there!!

hehehe so true!!

hahahahahaha!!!! That is brilliant!

Everybody just needs to take a chill pill. In the space of two years, Steem has gone from $4.34 to $0.07 to $8.39 to $0.79 a couple of days ago. I'm genuinely sorry if someone bought in near the top, thinking we were heading for $50... but if you look at these gyrations, it's a pretty good bet we'll be on the north side of $10 within the next six months.

(This is not investment advice, not valid in all states, void where prohibited, offer may not be used in conjunction with other offers, please sit still and keep your hands inside the carriage!)

chill pills in one post hehehehe :)hahahaha!!! Well said @denmarkguy and will you look at that @whatsup - Two doses of

Right on @jaynie! Now's the time to load up on STEEM while it's at bargain prices! post... post ... post!!! Upvote!... Upvote!!!... Upvote!!!

That is exactly what I just did. I love your comment, bro !


Lolz as always i do enjoy the comedy that's embedded in your posts... Truly the skies are painted red right now, but really who cares? We have to press on... Now is not the time to back down, sorrows may last for the night but joy comes in the morning!!! 😆

Now THATS what I am talking about!!! 😎👌 and thank you too for the compliment lol... life needs a little humour yeah?! 😁

hahha! dang right, man up, or cowboy up! good for you, bunch of little cry-babies!

hahaha!!! YIP! Saddle up boys and girls!!!! :)

It's up to us to publicise steemit and make it a fun place to be. The steem price doesn't matter that much for now. It will improve if steemit grows. Some of us remember it at 7c and we kept going then. Build steemit first, make money later

@steevc Spot on! Not unlike ANY other business model is it ;) interesting how people don't look at it in the same light though lol

I can't wait until friday/payday so I can buy me a bunch of cheap, cheap, cheap crypto to tie up in my panties and and hide in my drawer until the bull run in on.

hahahahahha!!!!!! What colour panties? :P

Ha ha. Made you laugh. Leopard print! 😘
Have a great day girl.

I agree. Too much priority is placed into the whole monetising that the true meaning of Steemit is forgotten ?

As much as people tell me how to maximize Steemit financially I feel that the engagement & meeting new people is far more valuable & priceless.

And the truth of the matter @ireenchew is that holding that perspective will actually achieve BOTH for you anyway ;)

Steem is down in value, but my Steem Power still gives me the same power on upvotes. I don't remember ever thinking "the USD has gone down, guess I won't go to work today, its just not worth earning anymore."

hahaha!!! EXACTLY!!!!!! And FB pays NOBODY ANYTHING but you don't see Steemit people whinging on that side of the fence lol

Word! While the market blows and our portfolios are awful, for myself it's prime opportunity to stock up a bit more. Fill my bags...work harder and keep powering up. While it would be nice to see it go through the roof, I have no plans on cashing out anytime soon anyway so the price at the moment does not matter to me...

And THAT RIGHT THERE needs to be relayed to the "many" ;)

In the comic circles here that I have most of my interaction with...I believe mostly all the regulars feel the same. Problem is that we are a small group still but yeah...if more folks would have that kind of outlook I think the overall sentiment would be a tad brighter.

Perfect! I wish I had more time to put into it, because that it how I can invest right now. I'm slogging along, never expected this to be my bread and butter straight out of the gate. I'm playing the long game.

and you will be a winner for that @eroticaban ;) Press on!

hahaha good attitude! I think people forget that half of what makes steemit work is the community and blogging aspect. the crypto is important, but you gotta see it as a bonus, esp with how volatile it is in nature anyways. thanks for sharing!


This is a good reminder Jaynie! I see so much negativity on the platform that I haven't seen before.

I'm personally not here for money. I have started because I heard that community here is amazing and this is what I experience.

I understand many Steemians live off Steem or use it to support their monthly bills BUT this is crypto worlds and it is risky. You can't expect it to be only going up.

I believe in the power of this platform and I'm sure that Steem will eventually recover :)

I hope that your post will make people think about it :)

You are absolutely SPOT ON @delishtreats! and yes... I hope so too but this is probably just wishful thinking lol.... oh and I "am" one of those that lives off it, so if ANYONE should be moaning it should be me. hahahaha

Oh, in this case I hope that Steem will be on track soon! 😁

hehe thanks ;) Am with you on that bus lol :)

Absolutely correct, it is time to be united and keep supporting

This was a "serious"post but i ended up laughing instead. Lol.

I for one, not bothered, i mean i was a little but oh well.

That attitude will take you a lot further than a tantrum will haha :)

lmao.. <333 Couldn't have said it better myself @jaynie :)

hehehe ;)

All I keep thinking is that I'm glad we have the ZAR! LOL! That said, if, every time the ZAR plummeted, we went into a decline, where would be be. I agree: take a chill pill and get on with it!

yeah at the moment the ZAR is doing lots of favours in terms of the crypto world hahahaha!!!!

hahaha @jaynie, I couldn't agree more :) We'll all live to tell this tale ... that I'm sure of :) I was going to direct you to @whatsup post about the same thing, but I see she's already made it here too!

Great smack for a wake-up call @jaynie!

Well said @jaynie! People need to keep the panties on and just keep on blogging!

Haha exactly! So much crying and complaining out here these days. Anytime steemit drops below $1 it’s a good buy opportunity! Power up

Finally a positive message in between all the horror stories i have been reading.
Lol, I just bought myself some extra Steem a couple of days ago. I purchased Steem on several occasions before, but this was by far the cheapest batch I picked up. It's on sale, people! LOL


I have been saying the same thing for months! Everyone just needs to calm down about where crypts are, things may even get a bit worse, but it always comes back so just be patient and enjoy earning steem and sp while u wait..😎