I grew up on coffee too. My little sister, 6 years younger than me. When she was in diapers cried for coffee so we would fake her out and put a tiny bit in her milk in her bottle. BTW: She is still a brat.
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Aren't all little sisters though? Today was an extremely slow day for me, I only had three cups, but I'm about to brew my evening cup and get some writing done!
I wish you were closer we could enjoy a cup in person. I don't even know where you are. LOL
I need to make decaff or I will not sleep.
Some of the best conversations were had and some of the most memorable bonds formed over cups of coffee with people who would come to be known as friends. I'm in Georgia just SW of the ATL! Or as we call it the DIRTY DIRTY!
Been through Atlanta a number of times in a Big Rig with my husband.
That loop is insane. Is the storm on the east coast affecting you there?
I was born and raised in Texas.
So far it looks like we may get a bit of rain. The east side of Georgia near Augusta may get some wind and heavy rain before it's over.
Atl traffic is a beast of it's own, with no known weaknesses...lol
crazy .. once we did the whole loop by accident lol