
So what will you do with the quarter suitcase of money? I suppose the bank may question you for money laundering if you deposit them. 😊

I would hide most of it and then go travelling around the world with a camera

Just make sure termites won't get to them before you get back.😃

That could be a problem in a hot country, but here in the UK there are none, that I know of; we have cold rain here, and lots of it

I didn't know that termites are only in places with hot weather. It is cool that you don't have termites there. Well then, just secure the money before leaving it. 😃

I was thinking that I'd give it to my son to look after and then he can send me some when I need it wherever I am in the world

Now that's unfair! If I were your son, I should be tagging along with you while you travel the world. 😂