Who are the leaders of the Steem community?
How do I perform on the Steem blockchain based on Steem's key metrics?
If these questions are yours, then you now have the perfect tool to answer them.
We are proud to introduce the SteemitBoard Ranking!
With this tool, you will be be able to compare yourself to your fellow Stemians.
The ranking displays all the values you are used to if you have already viewed your own page on SteemitBoard.
Columns are sortable
By default, the ranking is sorted by reputation in descending order. As you may have noticed, @haejin is the user with the highest reputation, far away from all other users. Congratulations!
You can also sort the ranking by Posts, Comments, Replies, Upvotes, Upvoted, Payout and VESTS by clicking on the column header.
Quick jump to user’s page
Each user’s name is clickable and will open his/her blog on steemit.com in a new tab on your browser.
To the right of each user name, you will see a small icon with the current level of the user. Click on it to open his/her board on SteemitBoard's website.
Double decimal reputation
SteemitBoard Ranking displays your reputation with 2 decimals. This way you know more accurately how far you are from the next step.
Searchable ranking
The SteemitBoard Ranking page has a convenient search box to help you find yourself or any other user among the millions of users registered on Steem.
Type any name in the search box. Steemitboard will search for the user in the ranking given the current sort order, will scroll to the correct line and highlight the user's information.
For example, let’s search for @stellabelle
If we click on another column to change the sort order, the page will update itself to be able to display the selected user.
How to access the SteemitBoard Ranking
In the top right corner of your board on SteemitBoard’s website, you will find a hamburger menu.
Click on it to open it then select "Ranking"
You can also go directly to https://steemitboard.com/ranking.
SteemitBoard ranking page use adaptive web design so it will selects the most appropriate layout for your screen. Landscape mode is recommended on small devices.
Future roadmap
Here are some features we plan to add to the ranking:
- display who is powering down
- display account UA
- display number of followers and following
- Split payouts into author rewards and curator rewards
SteemitBoard need your help!
Although @steemitboard still struggles and miss approximately 26800 SP to be able to operate as before HF20, we stay committed to our mission of providing fun to everyone and encouraging newcomers.
If you have not read our previous call for help, we invite you to do so.
A BIG THANK YOU to all those who already answered this call:
Supporter | Type | Amount |
@arcange | delegation | 1000 SP |
@roelandp | delegation | 1000 SP |
@mcfarhat | delegation | 500 SP |
@loshombresdepaco | delegation | 250 SP |
@ana-maria | delegation | 100 SP |
@creativetruth | delegation | 100 SP |
@tarazkp | delegation | 100 SP |
@amvanaken | delegation | 52 SP |
@flauwy | delegation | 50 SP |
@encryptdcouple | delegation | 50 SP |
@consciousangel7 | delegation | 27 SP |
@flemingfarm | donation | 2 STEEM + 3 SBD |
Thank you all for your support!
Read SteemitBoard’s latest witness report here
Oh nice, finally a replacement for steemwhales, which i used in the past and that hasn't been updated for a long time.
I was missing steemwhales too ;)
Steemwhales, THAT was the names. I remember it but it was buggy and eventually broke entirely. So cool to have this functionality back!
Fantastic to finally have proper rankings. Very useful, thank you for the work. I have delegated 50SP for the cause.
Thank you so much for your support @flauwy!
I really like the new ranking (although the search might be a little off - I had to click Next a few times to find my account).
But it's cool to be able to compare our quantifiable results with our peers' that are close to our ranking. Who knows? Maybe we can connect more this way, although I see many inactives around my position...
There was a small bug with the search feature. It has been fixed.
Thanks for notifying.
This is a very cool piece of technology you whipped up. Nice to know it is expandable with new improvements that will be added.
It's a little bit cringy to see certain names up on the top of the ranking list who probably didn't work very hard comparatively to others to acheive the top spots, but that isn't steemitboard's fault. This is just a reporting tool, and I am thankful for all the hard work that was done to make this possible and open for everyone to see. It makes things much more transparent for all.
All has been said with your comment!
Thank you so much for your delegation @creativetruth!
I like this new SteemitBoard Ranking addition very much.
A lot of things can be read from it and in between lines if we know how to read it. 😉😊
Thanks a lot for this update, I think it's the best ranking ever made in steem blockchain. More people should know about that, that's why I even created a video about you and shared it to my followers. I'm very happy about this ranking and being 1070 is a big pleasure for me. You motivate so much people here. I wish you all the best.
This is pretty awesome! Good job. I will for sure use this whenever I want to compare myself against everyone else :)
Thank you @valth
You just planted 0.12 tree(s)!
We have planted already 3687.84 trees
out of 1,000,000
Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
My Steem Power = 20739.18
Thanks a lot!
A good thing. I have a question for you
SteemitBoard. What is the meaning of this picture?
This is "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" 🤐🤐
We all fear it. You will find more info in this post
Thank you for the information.
Is it me or is the search on the rankings list page not working correctly?
The search issue has been fixed!
Interesting new features. Thank you!!
Doubt: Why not the landing page itself show the links to leaderboard and a big Google like searchbox for searching for the user ?
Also just FYI : works fine with FF containers + Ghostery + Adblock plus + Decentraleyes + Privacy Badger & few other settings mentioned here : some of the most important Firefox configuration options
This is awesome!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Looks very interesting. I'll be checking it out. Thanks!
Posted using Partiko Android
Very useful update @steemitboard I lile the new Ranking sorting list.
Posted using Partiko Android
Interesting. Resteem.
I missed being able to use Steem Whales to show my monthly ranking status. I guess this will encourage me to start doing my monthly update reports.
Thank you!!
Great update !
Hey this looks like a fun tool to play with. Checking it out now.
Interesting! Hmmmm..... I will check it...
This looks like a good bit of information on demand. Resteemec.
Posted using Partiko Android
Nice feature! Though I'm having trouble using it. So far if I search big names (dolphins whales) it seems to work fine, but if I search my name or people with similar rank it doesn't work. For all I can tell it just shows a random page, I'm in page 944 and it shows page 927, if I search for someone who's on page 1000 it shows page 977. Using chrome.
yep i cant find me also
The search issue has been fixed!
Thanks for notifying. We are working to fix this issue. Please apologize.
The search issue has been fixed!
Hooray, I am #44,906 . Can I order a t-shirt?
The number would be more interesting if I knew how many names were in the list.
Clicking next until I found the end would waste your resources.
I guess there is probably several hundred thousand inactive accounts. You'd have to give both an active and inactive count. Great report!
thanks to a good job
I liked the work you do guys @steemitboard. I voted as witness already - I will delegate some SPs too. On previous post I show you guys mentioned SPs up to 100 only. As I already delegated some SPs to some projects and after this new steemit update we need some for our selves too.
But I want to support this project as you guys are doing great job. Just one question that for less than 100 SP delegation, is there any reward voting ? Like you mentioned in previous post. - upvote according to sp delegation.
"delegation requirements and voting power values might be subject to change depending on available voting power."Thank you for your support @flash07. As mentionned in the previous post
At first, we will stick to what has been announced to avoid confusion. If there is a change, we will publish a post about it.
Thank you for clearification and your kind reply @arcange.
this is awesome. i have a new goal in life. climbing the steemit board rankings :)
thank you for making this place even more addictive lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hey, @steemitboard.
This is a cool and potentially very useful data search on all accounts. Steemwhales was already broken when I came on board, so it's nice to see something similar to that actually functions.
I'm wondering how often it updates. For instance, I was just now playing around with this and ordered the list by posts.
I went and looked at various accounts and found that just in the Top 10, four are actually now with negative reps, like this:
The first two of these have been flagged over the last two or three days, so might be fairly new, but the remaining two don't appear to have been flagged recently. In the case of markboss, the last posts and comments were 10 months ago.
There was indeed a small bug in the reputation formula for accounts with negative repuration. It has been fixed now.
Thanks a lot for notifying @glenalbrethsen!
Hey, @arcange.
Well, what do you know! Glad I said something. And you're welcome. :)
Thanks a lot for the update, I think it's proper rankings ever made in steem blockchain. its very interesting. Finally updated .need to upvote for sure
This looks awesome. I did not make the list though lol . I’ll have to try harder :) . Keep up the great work.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I'm not sure how many would be interested by this, but I would. A ranking by account creation date. This may seem useless, but you can find out how are you doing compared to your peers who have joined around the same time.
Thanks for the suggestion but, as you wrote, we do not see any added value to sorting users by creation date.
Vote @noisy.witness
Vote for @wise-team
It's so beautiful maan, looking good! :D Feels more fun and gamey now, nice to see the competition out there in such style, well done to all involved!

Hi @steemitboard, is there a possibility to have a personal @detlev ranking page with all my rankning factors and mayby a monitoring about how this is changing over a period of time?
I added the idea to our to-do list.
Cheers 🍻Hello @detlev, thanks for the suggestion.