SteemitBoard - Awards description

in #steemitboard8 years ago (edited)

SteemitBoard is where your achievements will be seen by everybody.

With SteemitBoard, you will earn and collect amazing awards that you will proudly show your friends!

Intensive Author

Every time you write four posts in one day, you will receive this award
The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this objective.

If you write less than 4 posts on the day, you will miss the award.
If you write more than 4 posts, you will get the award as usual.

Regular Author

Every time you write a post on each day of the week, you will receive this award.
The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this objective.

A week begins on monday and ends on sunday. It is not a date to date week. If you miss one post on one day, you will miss the this weekly award and you will have to wait for the next monday to retry to catch this award.

Addicted Author

Every time you write a post for each day of the month, you will receive this award.
The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this objective.

A month begins the first of the month and ends the last day of the month (like on calendars). It is not a date to date month. If you miss one post on one day, you will miss the this monthly award and you will have to wait for the next month to retry to catch this award.

Daily Top Upvoted

Write the best post of the day and get it the most voted.
If you succeed to be in pole position, this award will be yours.

This award rewards posts only. It is a rare award, It is attributed only once per day for a single author.

The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this goal.

Daily Top Commented

Make sure that your post generates an interesting discussion and encourages interaction between the users of the voice. The more reactions on you post, the best.
If you succeed to be in pole position, this award will be yours.

This award rewards posts only. It is a rare award, It is attributed only once per day for a single author.

The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this goal.

Daily Top Payout

Write the best post of the day and get the biggest reward out of it.
If you succeed to be in pole position, this award will be yours.

This award rewards posts only. It is a rare award, It is attributed only once per day for a single author.

The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this goal.

Weekly Top Upvoted

Write the best post of the week and get it the most voted.
If you succeed to be in pole position for the entire week, this award will be yours.

This award rewards posts published between monday 00:00 and sunday at 24:00.
It is a very rare award, It is attributed only once per week for a single author.

The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this objective.

Weekly Top Commented

Make sure that your post generates an interesting discussion and encourages interaction between the users of the voice. The more reactions on you post, the best.
If you succeed to be in pole position for the entire week, this award will be yours.

This award rewards posts published between monday 00:00 and sunday at 24:00.
It is a very rare award, It is attributed only once per week for a single author.

The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this objective.

Weekly Top Payout

Write the best post of the week and get the biggest reward out of it.
If you succeed to be in pole position, this award will be yours.

This award rewards posts published between monday 00:00 and sunday at 24:00.
It is a very rare award, It is attributed only once per week for a single author.

The number on the banner at the bottom of the award indicates the number of times you succeeded to achieve this objective.

And now … Catch them all ...

There are 2 pages

Upvoted/followed/appreciated! When do author awards hit your account? Do they accumulate for a week then hit at once? Did the hardfork change anything? Thanks!

Pls follow me please 😣😣😣😣


Great, just saw descriptions on website as well. Keep up the great work, guys!

how to see daily top upvoted list for the day.

You can check the hit-parade I publish daily. Here a link to the last edition :

We just got our 1st Steemit Awards! I have to say this is very exciting. I am enjoying this platform so much more than YouTube. At least here everyone has a chance to succeed. Thank you for this post SteemitBoard and thank you for creating these awards to keep everyone motivated.

Love it! Hope it will be implemented soon.

Follow me pls

On the author daily badge. Less than 4 earns nothing. More than 4 authored in a single day earns badge. Does this mean 5 need be created? Does 4 authored in a single day not qualify? If so than why not write it as a 5 minimum? Even though these badges really don't have any value. Hidden on an account page that has to be searched for. So really who actually would care?

О, и тут такая полезность будет приятная))
Кажется, без Наших не обошлось.
Всем Приветы С Голоса!!!

It is very nice idea, I have just checked my name :))

@steemitboard thank you for rewarding me......

Good job. Trying to upvote all your posts guys.

Wow, very cool!

This is some fun gamification. Thanks for putting this together!

(minor post edit:Author instead of Autor)

Thanks for your positive feedback and for notifying the typo

Very Nice Trophies...

Thats good thing thanks

I like this idea. The chance of earning an award that I can display actually makes me more motivated.

I will earn them all

Regards. V

It is very nice idea, I have just checked my name

This is great !!
Have a nice day from Cologne Germany 😎 Lars
@sbartstv Cliff maybe take a look ?

What do you mean by all this

Awesome. I will keep doing on Steem to get those badges.

this is great!!

Great! thanks

This is very cool - and I got a badge! Thank you!

super saludos desde Venezuela

That's a great thing, heard from friend you guys doing great job

Vamos por mas...

i love the challenges , i will catch them all

I've noticed on my steemitboard that I am a dead fish 😭 , Is there a way to reverse this?

I assume by posting more?

It's already solved, not a dead fish anymore but thanks for the reply

This post is very motivating! Great initiative overall...


Thanks so much for this. I have learnt a lot. Now I got to go write.

Interesting article!) thank you!)

Amazing job! Cheers and keep doing it!

thank you

thanks for the info and extra income that you are providing. GOD Bless

Lets fo for it!

thank you from dragonneck

Thanks for these great info

This post recieved an upvote from sajedul ahmed.
If you would like to recieve upvotes from sajedul ahmed on all your posts,
simply FOLLOW @sajedul04

Do only certain "channels/blogs" get these ? I don't think I've seen any such post on any of mine ?? (if there are, I apologize as I missed the post)

Aw man these are so awesome! LOL! I came here after my first post nabbed me 4 of these awards (though not on this page...somewhere else perhaps?).

Not like I needed any more motivation to write and contribute, but now that I see the carrot from on top of the horse...I have all the fire to bag a few more of these lovelies!

Let the games begin.

Very informative.

Interesting article
Thank you
Follow Me @NirGF

Interesting article
Thank you
Follow Me @NirGF


Please foolow me

It is very good idea ! Thanks

Thank you so much i received Award this morning


awa 2.jpg


Thank you again i got 2 new Award

I am happy..Thank you @steemitboard

There are 2 pages