This is a great idea Barry. I saw it last week but the actual engagement post got lost in my feed. I will definitely be looking for it this weekend. People from all over the place encouraged to encounter one another and find a relate-able place of discussion sounds nice huh?
Have a terrific weekend!
Hey Mike you too, if you ever find you need to come to it -- just visit my page or try typing in the
tag --- the search will hopefully take you to those results.
I have been meaning to ask -- what is that logo? Is it the Nashville Pred's logo by chance?
You are not Mike Fisher are ya? LOL
HAH! It is the Preds Logo. But No, I'm not Fishay Fishay! Just a Nashvillian with a sports habit. LOL
I guess eventually I have to put a photo of myself in there, but I hate pictures of me, so there aren't many around. So for now, you get the PReds with the season right around the corner.
I'm traveling to Ohio this weekend, so not sure how much I will be on Steem, but I will be on the look out.
Steem really needs to let you prioritize which of the people you follow should show up first in your feed. Or I guess I could set up alerts like a smart person. hahaha.
I spent a whole Christmas camping in Smashville and have a bunch of old photos.
Fisher played on Team Canada in his younger days with a few of my friends in the NHL I played with or went to camp with.
I have epic stories from the road in N'ville and Ohio from 2 years visiting friend there at BGSU who were playing hockey and v-ball there.
yeah, he was a good guy all around, and of course a good player too.
my son plays house league hockey, he loves it. he got to go to Mattias Ekholm's hockey clinic last weekend and had a blast.
i cant skate a lick. LOL
I just got back in and the weekendly #SteemitCampfire post is now up on my page.
I actually thought about our chat here from today out at dinner when something came up about my roadies!
See you on the post if you have time, be safe, even in Ohio
Likely I am the first to use that one!!!