That's good @skunkape30uk. You were honest and that is the main thing in my opinion. You took the time to look, to read the other comments, and then made an honest assessment. I like that. Over time you will be first and be able to make the best comment because you beat everyone to the punch. But the main thing is that you played the game and interacted with people. We all win when we do that!
I know the game is getting past the halfway point, but you are owed at least a $0.05 vote for just playing from #newbieresteemday ... So I got you a $0.01 and if that is all you get then pick a post of yours and I will make sure we reward you for taking the time to play.
We plan on having many of these events so that we can interact and know each other, so it is important to keep coming back and if you have fun, then tell a few people about Steemit Comment Challenge and #newbieresteemday .
Thank you Sir, you're right and I am enjoying reading all the comments and getting to know people on here better.
In regards to the Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative I got to know @mudct36 through Steemit and have met up in the real world too. He gave me a call to tell me about the #newbieresteemday and I am totally with you guys. I'm currently making this my newbie resteem week, so hopefully that will help the cause too.